Featuring: Reporting Clusters/Categories


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Presentation transcript:

Featuring: Reporting Clusters/Categories 2014 Fall Data Dig Featuring: Reporting Clusters/Categories

Data Digging! These data presentations are designed for review of district data. There are three presentations: PSSAs DIBELS Keystones You can choose which data set to review. To get credit for this work, you are required to complete Worksheet A (Group) and Worksheet B (Individual). At a later date we will instruct you on how to upload to an electronic folder. This Power Point and all documents can be found under the “Teacher Toolkit” tab on the Curriculum & Instruction webpage. http://cbsd-curriculum.weebly.com/

About this presentation: This slide presentation highlights information from our 2013-2014 PSSA scores. You will notice that scores are reported based on our configuration last school year, and the Legacy PA Standards (not the PA Core Standards that will be used for 2015 testing). There are pointers in the presentation to help you understand how to read these data! We encourage you to work in groups (i.e., grade level, department, etc.) Also do check then notes pages of the slides for more information

Math Grades 3 - 6 The numbers in parentheses represents the Adv/Prof percentage for each grade level Remember, these data are organized by our old configuration of buildings, so Park and Taylor are reported grades 3 thru 6, then grades 7 and 8. Let’s look at this first chart together and orient everyone on what we are looking at: The top chart represents Park, and notice on these charts that the numbers in parenthesis here where the arrow points…this is the total percentage of students who scored Advanced and Proficient on the PSSA. Do you see here that 6th grade scored 68.66% in Math? The bottom slide represents Taylor’s math scores.

Math Reporting Categories PCS stands for PA Core Standards Reporting Clusters This is a side bar – just in case you were wondering…2014 – 15 Testing Reporting Categories are different and based on the new PA Core Standards. For more information on testing design, see the link at the bottom right corner of the slide. You can find all 2014-15 Test Design documents here: http://www.portal.state.pa.us/portal/server.pt/community/state_assessment_system/20965/pennsylvania_system_of_school_assessment_(pssa)/1190526

How to read these slides: These slides compare Reporting Category performance by Subject and Grade Level. They are color coded by Reporting Category. The bars show the number of students scoring at that level. Let’s take a closer look at how to read the Reporting Category slides.

Math Reporting Categories Not all grades have all Reporting Categories, which you will note in the following slides. The Legacy Reporting Categories from 2013-14 are: Numbers & Operations Measurement Geometry Algebraic Concepts Data Analysis & Probability (Tip: You may hear references to Reporting Clusters and Reporting Categories. They are referencing the same thing.)

Using the shape of the charts helps us start to understand these data: Observation: Visually, there is a greater spread of scores when looking at the Algebraic Concepts cluster for these 3rd graders. Overall, our 3rd graders performed better with Data Analysis than with Algebraic Concepts. Both of these categories had a maximum score of 11, but I can see how more students earned a score of 9 or greater in Data Analysis (n = 66) than in Algebraic Expressions (n = 30). What questions come up based on this comparison?

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