The SUGAR AND STAMP ACT Journal 11 11.18.14
Britain in Debt Lord Grenville: British Citizens in England paying 5x the amount in taxes than the French Concludes: New Revenue must come from the Americas
The Stamp ACt The money collected by the Stamp Act was to be used to help pay the costs of defending and protecting the American frontier near the Appalachian Mountains (10,000 troops were to be stationed on the American frontier for this purpose).
The Stamp ACt English Government added extra taxes to: Legal documents Dice Declarations Pamphlets Wills Newspapers University Degrees Ads in the paper Bills Almanacs Liquor licenses Calendars. Playing cards
Fact 10 The Stamp Act Stamps had to be paid with 'hard currency' (silver or gold coins) and not in paper money, which was the most common form of payment in the colonies - also refer to Colonial, Continental and Revolutionary Currency Merchandise was traded rather than bought and sold. The premise of Triangular Trade was that the different regions would trade goods that they had in abundance in exchange for those goods which were scarce in their own region Fact 11 There was no Trial by Jury for anyone who offended the Stamp Act - cases were heard in the Admiralty Courts. There was no trial by jury in the Admiralty Courts. Cases were decided by judges rather than juries. All colonists were involved British admiralty courts were used for tax violators, smugglers and for the seizure of cargoes violating the new rules. The Act gave customs agents more power and latitude with respect to executing seizures and enforcing customs law - the majority of colonists would not have been involved
The high taxes on lawyers and college students were designed to limit the growth of a professional class in the American colonies