The Four Writing Traits: Ideas and Content
What are ideas and content? what the writer has to say, a message the author’s main point and the details used to support it
An essay that contains good ideas and content should: Narrow the topic to something specific and manageable for the required length Use fresh and original ideas Write from experience Show insight in the writing Use effective supporting details Develop the topic in an entertaining way
Developing Ideas and Content Use prewriting strategies such as brainstorming and free writing to develop ideas. Choose only the strongest ideas to include in the paper. Review content during the revision process to ensure the ideas are strong and entertaining. Make changes if necessary.
Things to think about when putting ideas and details into a piece of writing: 1. Be aware of the details that you include 2. Know what details are important and interesting 3. Make sure your writing is clear, focused, and has a purpose 4. Try a unique approach to writing 5. Write with care—if you care about the topic you will have more to say 6. Illustrate or show what you mean instead of telling 7. All of your details should support one main idea or thesis
Ideas and content is like. . . a painting. The artist must include all of the smaller, interesting details to accurately create the larger picture.
Ideas and Content is like . . .
Ideas and Content Rubric 6: Focuses and develops ideas in a sustained and compelling manner, showing creativity and insight 5: Clear, focused, hold the reader’s attention, interesting, details are relevant 4: Clear, focused, reasonably develops topic 3: Topic is beginning to be defined but development is limited 2: Limited sense of focus, needs clarifying 1: No clear sense of purpose or theme, topic is limited and unfocused, details are sketchy or missing