Absenteeism Selena Gutierrez Marquest Anderson Matthew Salas
Who has called in sick for any reason other than being sick? Survey Who has called in sick for any reason other than being sick?
Absenteeism umbrella: Partial days, long break/lunches, presenteeism The Impact of Absenteeism and Business Absenteeism umbrella: Partial days, long break/lunches, presenteeism Cost: $3,600/yr Per Hourly Worker Cost: $2,650/yr Per Salary Worker
2014 Healthcare Workers 432 Participants 5 Item Scale 3 Questions about Individual Satisfaction 2 Questions about Work-Unit Satisfaction Absence Frequency 6 Months Before Survey 6 Months After Survey
Individual absence frequency Internally focused job satisfaction
Takeaway Tackle absenteeism swiftly and simultaneously individually and within the work unit With the individual More responsibility More accountability With the work unit More group assignments Supervisory support Work unit incentives
Job Demands Presenteeism Absenteeism Explain the process from Job Demands through Absenteeism
Explain the 3 job demands and give examples that end up leading to presenteeism
Organizational Justice Distributive Justice Resources presented to the team Procedural Justice Decisions and Policies Organizational justice: employee perceptions of fairness in the workplace. four categories: distributive, procedural, informational, and interactional. Give examples
Distributive Justice relationship with Presenteeism and Absenteeism Explain the graph. Why is the red still going up? You get help but still have to do the work
Ideas of negative impacts on Absenteeism Do not take work home. Be prepared for people calling out. Verbally and procedurally support taking time off when sick.
Takeaway Find ways to support an employee immediately after giving them more work. Provide employee with training in order to perform more efficiently. Feedback system to to ultimately reduce presenteeism.
Absenteeism Cause by Bullying
Types of Bullying Direct bullying Intimidation Criticisms Humiliation Indirect bullying Ignoring Gossiping Undermining behaviors
Effects on employees caused by bullying Well-being Mental Physical Career outcomes Promotions Lower productivity Replacement Will to work Affects the ability to attend work by promoting poor physical and mental health and motivation to attend work by undermining processes such as work engagement.
Number of self‐reported absenteeism days The regression model indicated that, relative to the no bullying class, the task‐related (c path: B = 0.51, p < .001) and frequent bullying classes (c path: B = 0.35, p = .001) had significantly higher absenteeism. The half‐longitudinal mediation model indicated that these associations were mediated by poorer mental health. That is, the direct relationship between task‐related bullying and absenteeism noted above attenuated in the presence of the potential mediators and became nonsignificant (c′ path: B = 0.12, p = .169). The indirect relationship linking task‐related bullying with absenteeism via poorer mental health was significant (indirect path: B = 0.13, p < .001). Similarly, the direct relationship between frequent bullying and absenteeism weakened in the presence of the potential mediators (c′ path: B = 0.13, p = .224); the indirect path linking frequent bullying with absenteeism via poorer mental health was significant (indirect path: B .14, p < .001). Significant indirect effects were also observed for the limited indirect and occasional bullying classes. The limited indirect bullying class was indirectly associated with higher absenteeism via lower work engagement (B = 0.03, p = .041). The occasional workplace bullying class was indirectly associated with higher absenteeism via lower work engagement (indirect path: B = 0.06, p = .024) and poorer mental health (indirect path: B = 0.14, p = .001). None of the indirect paths involving physical health were statistically significant.
Take Away Classes “No Bullying” and task “Related Bullying” increase absenteeism after mediation follow up.(c path b=.51,p<.001) Occasional Bullying class absenteeism stems from lack of work engagement(indirect path b=.06,p=.024) Frequent Bullying and Limited Indirect Bullying classes both have significant absenteeism that stems from mental health (indirect path b=.14, p<.001)
Practical Implications First less severe negative acts Occasional Bullying classes Structured exercises in conflict, listening,techniques, and brainstorming Crew has been known to increase work engagement through communication Address task related early Can result in severe personal or workplace bullying Coach those that are bullying in communication Create clear workplace definition of Bullying Create a code of conduct Post on the board