Are You Smarter Than Your Counselors? Learning Styles Cyberbullying/Bullying Test-taking Tips Communication/Balancing Life Careers Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Final Jeopardy
$100 Question from Careers What do we call our annual income?
$100 Answer from Careers What is salary?
$200 Question from Careers When you do something long-term because it is something you love to do and also makes you money this is known as ________.
$200 Answer from Empathy/Careers What is career?
$300 Question from Empathy/Careers The percentage of people who will be hired in this career in the future is known as __________
$300 Answer from Careers What is Job Outlook?
$400 Question from Careers What online resource did Ms. Jackson and Ms. Ward use to find the different careers you researched?
$400 Answer from Careers What is Occupational Outlook Handbook?
$500 Question from Careers List the skills in middle school we are teaching you so that you can have a successful career
$500 Answer from Careers What are responsibility, attendance, grades, time management, organization, etc.
$100 Question from Learning Styles The three learning styles are:
$100 Answer from Learning Styles What are Auditory, Visual, Kinesthetic
$200 Question from Learning Styles Name two ways you can study visually
$200 Answer from Learning Styles What are flash cards, reading text, memorizing, using pictures, etc.
$300 Question from Learning Styles Name two ways to study auditorially
$300 Answer from Learning Styles What are study buddies, books on tape, reading aloud, listening to teacher, etc.
$400 Question from Learning Styles Name two ways to study kinesthetically
$400 Answer from Learning Styles What are projects, creating a game, drawing, writing, etc.
$500 Question from Learning Styles What kind of learning style would you think your teacher is and why?
$500 Answer from Learning Styles What is… varies by classroom
$100 Question from Communication What three ways do we communicate with one another?
$100 Answer from Communication What are words, body language, and tone of voice
$200 Question from Balancing Life What did the activity with the yarn represent?
$200 Answer from Balancing Life What is putting too much on your plate and/or teamwork
$300 Question from Communication What does the acronym SOLER stand for?
$300 Answer from Communication What is: S – sit squarely O – open posture L – learn forward E – eye contact R – relax
$400 Question from Balancing Life What did we draw in order to find balance in our life?
$400 Answer from Balancing Life What is a pie graph?
$500 Question from Communication What are some things middle schoolers do that are not positive communication?
$500 Answer from Communication What are Insulting, Stating Opinion as Fact, Name-Calling, Sarcasm, Mind-Reading, Globalization, Gossiping?
$100 Question from Cyberbullying/Bullying A repeated event over a period of time that is intended to cause harm
$100 Answer from Cyberbullying/Bullying What is bullying?
$200 Question from Cyberbullying/Bullying A repeated event over a period of time that is intended to cause harm with the use of technology
$200 Answer from Cyberbullying/Bullying What is cyberbullying?
$300 Question from Cyberbullying/Bullying Being able to put yourself in someone else’s shoes is called ___________
$300 Answer from Cyberbullying/Bullying What is Empathy?
$400 Question from Cyberbullying/Bullying How do you report bullying at SBMS?
$400 Answer from Cyberbullying/Bullying What is tell an adult or report online through bullying form?
$500 Question from Cyberbullying/Bullying What are three of the “common sense” tips for handling cyberbullying?
$500 Answer from Cyberbullying/Bullying What are: Sign off the computer Don’t respond or retaliate Block the bully Save and print messages Talk to a friend (NOT gossip) Tell an adult
$100 Question from Test Tips What day are your EOGs?
$100 Answer from Test Tips What are June 4 and June 5?
$200 Question from Test Tips How many hours of sleep should you get the night before a test?
$200 Answer from Test Tips What is 8-9 hours?
$300 Question from Test Tips Protein, Fiber, No Sugar, and High Calorie
$300 Answer from Test Tips What is a good breakfast on test days?
$400 Question from Test Tips 7:00 a.m.
$400 Answer from Test Tips What is the time I should arrive at school on test day?
$500 Question from Test Tips During the test name two strategies that will help you be successful.
$500 Answer from Test Tips What are: Don’t compare yourself to others Listen to teacher directions Be aware of the time Use techniques taught in class Read questions carefully RELAX
Final Jeopardy What are the five challenges from Rachel’s Challenge?
Final Jeopardy Answer Look for the best in others. Treat others the way you want to be treated. Choose positive influences. Speak words of kindness. Forgive yourself and others.