Pembroke School- A friendly School with friendly classrooms
Respectful Responsible
Things to consider Is it OK to report a friend? How do you deal with someone who wants to play with you but you’re not sure you want to play with them? If everyone else does it, does that make it OK? Do we all see everything in the same way? What might make you see things differently from your friends?
sad, upset, afraid, uncomfortable, or embarrassed. What is Harassment This is when someone treats you in a way that makes you feel sad, upset, afraid, uncomfortable, or embarrassed.
Harassment can be- aggressive bullying (physical) Unfriendly comments about another person’s gender, race, culture, religion or appearance messages or pictures spreading rumours using the internet or mobile phones (cyber bullying) excluding others or setting them up for failure
What is bullying? Repeated and unwanted behaviour Intended to cause fear, distress and/or harm Physical, verbal, psychological, relational By a more powerful individual or group Against a less powerful individual unable to effectively resist
BULLYING IS: when these things happen again and again to someone and that person is unable stop it from happening Being ignored, left out on purpose, or not allowed to join in. Lies or nasty stories are told about them to make other kids not like them. Being made afraid of getting hurt. Being hit, kicked or pushed around. Being made fun of and teased in a mean and hurtful way.
Bullying isn’t... Fighting between two students of equal power Teasing done in a mutual way meant in fun and jest
What can you do about it?
If I'm being Harassed I should: Look them in the eye and say in a calm voice "I don't like it when you do that. I want you to stop." Move away. Find someone who feels like a friend. Talk to an adult you feel comfortable with. Keep persisting until the problem is solved.
What’s the difference between Responsible Reporting and Telling Tales??
Responsible Reporting The problem is serious and you need others to help you. You see a serious problem. You think someone else needs help but you don’t feel you can help.
Vs Telling Tales It’s a small problem. You may want to get the other person into trouble. You can really handle the situation yourself. “Dobbing”?
What should I do if I see it? Bystanders Code: Don’t join in. Tell others you don’t like the unfriendly behaviour. Call a teacher for help. Ask the bullied student to join your game. Ask the student if he or she feels OK. Distract or deflect the student who is bullying.
WHO ELSE COULD YOU TELL? Tell your class teacher in private. Ideas to help you to tell someone: Tell your class teacher in private. Tell a friend and ask him or her to tell the teacher. Tell mum or dad and ask them to tell the teacher. Go with a friend to tell the teacher. WHO ELSE COULD YOU TELL?
Things to consider Is it OK to report a friend? How do you deal with someone who wants to play with you but you’re not sure you want to play with them? If everyone else does it, does that make it OK?