5 Fields of Social Studies
History The study of the past with the help of written records. Examples: Declaration of Independence, Diaries/Journals, Photographs, Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lK8gYGg0dkE
Geography The study of people, places, and the environment. Examples: Rivers, Mountains, Roads, White House, City Hall, Migration patterns
Culture The beliefs, customs, and ways of living that a group of people share. Examples: Kwanza, Hannukah, Christmas, Sushi, Religions.
Economics The study of the ways in which people produce and exchange goods. Examples: Factories, Money, Cargo Ships/Planes, Trains, 18 Wheelers.
Government The people and groups of people that have the power to make laws and see that they are obeyed. Examples: Congress, President, Law Enforcement, Voting.
Summary: Write a summary in your own words of the information that is in your notes.