5 Pillars of islam - shahadah Proclamation of Faith “There is no god but Allah and Muhammad is his messenger” Most sacred of the 5 pillars Recite it 3 times in front of witnesses to become Muslim
5 Pillars of islam - zakat Charity Must give 2.5% (minimum) of yearly income to charity or mosque Only applies to those that can afford it Hospitals, soup kitchens, orphanages, schools
5 Pillars of islam - SAlat Daily Prayer 5 times a day Must be facing Mecca (Saudi Arabia) Washing of hands and feet before prayer Can pray in private or public Call to Prayer App
5 pillars of islam - Sawm During holy month of Ramadan Fasting -No eating or drinking during daylight hours Break fast after sundown Sacrifice of bodily desires for God’s sake Lasts for 29 days Some are exempt: young children, pregnant, sick
5 pillars of islam - Hajj Pilgrimage Religious journey to holy city of Mecca Should be made at least once in lifetime 5 days Dress in white, simple clothes Move between sacred sites Approximately 3 million people