Repetition makes him sound separate from action on street As I made my way down Palestine Street I watched a funeral pass – all the women waving lilac stems around a coffin made of glass and the face of the man who lay within who had breathed a poison gas. Sounds like a fairy-tale – therefore last line more shocking An ugly image showing of reality of living there
As I made my way down Palestine Street I heard the call to prayer Connects religion to violence – mosque sounds beautiful – but what damage is it causing? As I made my way down Palestine Street I heard the call to prayer and I stopped at the door of the golden mosque to watch the faithful there but there was blood on the walls and the muezzin’s eyes were wild with his despair. I met two blind beggars And into their hands I pressed my hands with a hundred black dinars; and their salutes were those of the Imperial Guard in the Mother of all Wars. Nobody is seeing clearly Connection to other people in the city All connected by the war – Gulf war
Makes the river sound alive As I made my way down Palestine Street I smelled the wide Tigris, the river smell that lifts the air in a city such as this; but down on my head fell the barbarian sun that knows no armistice. I saw a Cruise missile, a slow and silver caravan on its slow and silver mile, and a beggar child turned up his face and blessed it with a smile. Even the sun can be seen as violent A city blighted by war – needs lifting? Vulnerable child caught up in war Not shocked by this – normal? Child seen as holy – not at fault?
As I made my way down Palestine Street under the yellow palms Repetition of I throughout suggests it is his city that has been effected As I made my way down Palestine Street under the yellow palms I saw their branches hung with yellow dates all sweeter than salaams, and when that same child reached up to touch, the fruit fell in his arms. Hope – positive colours, words? Innocent, positive image – human society could be kinder
How has violence effected this man’s life How has violence effected this man’s life? How can we compare this to Belfast Confetti’s presentation of war?