SEE FIGURE 11-1 pg. 215
PITUITARY GLAND Tiny structure size of grape Located at base of brain Connected to hypothalamus Divided into anterior and posterior lobes See Figures 11-3, 11-4, and 11-5 pgs. 218, 219, and 221
THYROID GLAND Butterfly-shaped mass of tissue On either side of larynx, over trachea H-shaped See Figure 11-6 pg. 222
PARATHYROID GLANDS Four glands, each the size of a grain of rice Attached to posterior thyroid
THYMUS Endocrine gland and lymphatic organ Located behind sternum, above and in front of heart Begins to disappear at puberty
ADRENAL GLANDS Located on top of each kidney See Figure 11-8 pg. 224
GONADS Ovary in female Testes in male Look again at Figure 11-8
PANCREAS Located behind the stomach Endocrine and exocrine functions