Importing Opera Notes
Launch Opera Click (1)“Help” in the menu bar and then select (2)“About Opera”
You should get this page
Look the heading “Paths” (1) Then locate “Opera Directory” (2)
Highlight the entire path to the right of “Opera Directory” beginning with “C:\” then right-click and “copy” Highlight the entire path to the right of “Opera Directory” beginning with “C:\”
1. Click “Start” then “Run” 2. In the “Open:” box right-click and “Paste” then click Start
Look for the “notes” file. You may have 2 files. If you put your cursor over each one for a moment, a small window will pop up. Look at “Type” for “ADR File” not “BAK File”.
Right-click and select “Open With” then “Notepad” If Notepad is not a choice select “Choose Program” and select it from the list.
This is what it should look like.
Locate the 1st “#FOLDER” and highlight until the last digit after “CREATED” Right-click and copy
Scroll to the bottom and paste. Play Video
Change the name of the folder to what ever you choose, ie Change the name of the folder to what ever you choose, ie. Math, US History, etc. Play Video
Click File and then Save. Do not close the window! Play Video
Right-click the “sub.adr” file that you would like to import and select “Open with” and choose “Notepad”. Play Video
Play Video 1. Highlight and delete first 2 lines. 2. Click Edit then Select all 3. Right-click and copy.
Play Video 1. Go back to your “notes.adr” file. 2. Make sure that you are at the bottom of the page & give yourself a couple of spaces. 3. Paste your copied info and then save the file.
Close all windows and launch Opera. Open you Notes panel and check to see that your new notes are there.