March General Meeting
Dance Marathon April 11th 3 points
T-shirts Shirts are for sale in the front of the room for $10 each!
MSHA Last day to sign up was March 22nd. If you are attending please join the Facebook group so that we can coordinate rides to and from. Make sure that you signed up to volunteer at the conference.
MSHA Raffle Drawing for fully and partially paid for conference fees. Winners talk to Haley after the meeting Or email
Fro-yo Event to hang out with NSSLHA members! March 29th at 1:00pm Meet outside Tutti-Frutti on Grand River
Lunches with the Profs Check back once in a while because new lunches are always being added!
Change in points The board has decided to change the amount of points needed to be an active member from 20 down to 15 points.
2015 Graduation Open House If you are a senior, please respond to the poll on Facebook. We are going to need a few volunteers. May 8th
April Meeting This is the last general meeting of the year. April 14th, 7:00pm Room TBA
Greg Spray