Rotation vs Revolution The first thing you must note is that the earth rotates from WEST to EAST
Rotation vs Revolution ROTATTION REVOLUTION Earth spinning on its axis Earth orbiting or circling the sun Happens every 24 hours Happens every 3651/4 days or 1 year Causes day and night changes Causes the seasons
Rotation vs Revolution
ROTATTION The light from the sun reaches the Earth from one direction and travels in parallel rays. As the earth rotates, the part of the Earth that faces the sun is lighted and receives day, while the part of the earth away from the sun is dark and received night.
Rotation Rays DAY NIGHT
REVOLUTION Earth’s axis points towards the sun for part of the year and away from the sun for the other part of the year. The seasons are therefore caused by the position of the earth in relation to the sun. The seasons include: summer, winter, autumn and spring.
REVOLUTION Cont’d SPRING: (March 21st – June 21st N. Hemisphere and September 23rd – December 22nd S. Hemisphere) SUMMER: (June 21st – September 22nd N. Hemisphere and December 22nd – March 21st S. Hemisphere)
REVOLUTION Cont’d 3. AUTUMN: (September 23rd – December 22nd and N. Hemisphere and March 21st – June 21st S. Hemisphere) 4. WINTER: December 22nd – March 21st N. Hemisphere and June 21st – September 22nd S. Hemisphere)