Protect Yourself and Your Family From Online Risks
Change Your Password Often January-New Year01 February-Valentine02 March-Green03 April-Rain04 May-Flowers05 June-Schoolends06 July-Fireworks07 August-Hot08 September-School09 October-Halloween10 November-Pilgrims11 December-Merry12 This person changed their password every month to make sure their password was protected.
Keep Your Password a Secret Do not tell anyone your password.
If you get an e-mail message from someone you do not know, Don’t Know, Don’t Open If you get an e-mail message from someone you do not know, DO NOT open it!
Keep your computer in a family area Keep your computer in a family area! Supervise your children when they use the internet.
Do not give out your phone number. Do not give out your address.