Key Concept 2.1 The Development and Codification of Religious and Cultural Traditions Mrs. Osborn APWH RHS
Directions: When the clock starts, you will write for exactly ten minutes. Choose & complete one of the prompts using your knowledge of the topic. You must use at least 5 key words [EVIDENCE] in your writing. I will provide you some examples, but there are many possibilities. You can use more than the five, but not less. Circle your evidence words. DO NOT STOP WRITING for ten minutes. Write in proper paragraph form, as neatly as you can. Others in the class will be reading this, and you may be sharing it with the group. So focus on what you’re doing, and do a good job. Are there any questions?
Greco-Roman Philosophy Choose One Prompt Below: How did religions help strengthen political, economic, and cultural ties within societies? How did religions affect gender roles in their respective societies? How and where did Buddhism & Christianity spread by 600 CE? How did art and culture develop to 600 CE? EXAMPLES of Evidence (Use a MINIMUM of 5) Monotheism Polytheism Shamanism/animism Greco-Roman Philosophy Filial Piety Monasticism Vedas Ancestor Veneration Buddhism Daoism Hinduism Judaism Christianity Confucianism Asoka Greek tragedies Parthenon Stupa Syncretism
Find someone in this room to which you can read your writing sample Find someone in this room to which you can read your writing sample. Choose carefully, this person might give you some good advice. Take turns, each person reading their paragraph while the other listens. Tell them something you liked in the writing and maybe something you did not understand or something that was unclear. Listen for the evidence, did you hear at least five?
Directions: When the clock starts, you will five minutes to complete the task. On your own, using the assigned prompt, list a minimum of 5 pieces of evidence you would use to make your argument. After 5 minutes, you will be partnered with a classmate with the same prompt. Together, answer the prompt (assign a scribe). You will have 10 minutes to complete your answer & turn in to the tray (write both your names on it).
Assigned Prompts: How did religions help strengthen political, economic, and cultural ties within societies? How did religions affect gender roles in their respective societies? How and where did Buddhism & Christianity spread by 600 CE? How did art and culture develop to 600 CE? Your Evidence (MINIMUM of 5) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. MORE…?
Key Concept 2.2 The Development of States and Empires Mrs. Osborn APWH RHS
Directions: When the clock starts, you will write for exactly ten minutes. Choose & complete one of the prompts using your knowledge of the topic. You must use at least 5 key words [EVIDENCE] in your writing. I will provide you some examples, but there are many possibilities. You can use more than the five, but not less. Circle your evidence words. DO NOT STOP WRITING for ten minutes. Write in proper paragraph form, as neatly as you can. Others in the class will be reading this, and you may be sharing it with the group. So focus on what you’re doing, and do a good job. Are there any questions?
Centralized governments EXAMPLES of Evidence (Use a MINIMUM of 5) Persia Greece Rome Qin & Han Dynasty Maurya & Gupta Maya Teotihuacan Moche Centralized governments Legal systems Bureaucracies Roads Corvée, slavery Rents and tributes Deforestation Soil Erosion Desertification Xiongnu Choose One Prompt Below: What is an “empire,” and what were empires’ common characteristics during the Classical Era? What techniques did Classical empires create to administer their territories? What unique social and economic characteristics existed in empires? What caused Classical Empires to decline, collapse, or transform into something else?
Find someone in this room to which you can read your writing sample Find someone in this room to which you can read your writing sample. Choose carefully, this person might give you some good advice. Take turns, each person reading their paragraph while the other listens. Tell them something you liked in the writing and maybe something you did not understand or something that was unclear. Listen for the evidence, did you hear at least five?
Directions: When the clock starts, you will five minutes to complete the task. On your own, using the assigned prompt, list a minimum of 5 pieces of evidence you would use to make your argument. After 5 minutes, you will be partnered with a classmate with the same prompt. Together, answer the prompt (assign a scribe). You will have 10 minutes to complete your answer & turn in to the tray (write both your names on it).
Assigned Prompts: What is an “empire,” and what were empires’ common characteristics during the Classical Era? What techniques did Classical empires create to administer their territories? What unique social and economic characteristics existed in empires? What caused Classical Empires to decline, collapse, or transform into something else? Your Evidence (MINIMUM of 5) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. MORE…?
Key Concept 2.3 Emergence of Transregional Networks of Communication and Exchange Mrs. Osborn APWH RHS
Directions: When the clock starts, you will write for exactly ten minutes. Choose & complete one of the prompts using your knowledge of the topic. You must use at least 5 key words [EVIDENCE] in your writing. I will provide you some examples, but there are many possibilities. You can use more than the five, but not less. Circle your evidence words. DO NOT STOP WRITING for ten minutes. Write in proper paragraph form, as neatly as you can. Others in the class will be reading this, and you may be sharing it with the group. So focus on what you’re doing, and do a good job. Are there any questions?
Choose One Prompt Below: EXAMPLES of Evidence (Use a MINIMUM of 5) Eurasian Silk Roads Trans-Saharan caravan routes Indian Ocean sea lanes Mediterranean sea lanes Religion Disease Culture Luxury trade goods (such as… BE SPECIFIC) Horse Llama Stirrup Camel Lateen sail Dhow Qanat Aqueduct Rice/Cotton Choose One Prompt Below: How did trade & communication networks develop by 600 CE? What was commonly traded along these trade networks? What impact did new technologies have on long-distance overland and maritime trade? Besides trade goods, what intangibles also traveled along trade networks & what was the impact?
Find someone in this room to which you can read your writing sample Find someone in this room to which you can read your writing sample. Choose carefully, this person might give you some good advice. Take turns, each person reading their paragraph while the other listens. Tell them something you liked in the writing and maybe something you did not understand or something that was unclear. Listen for the evidence, did you hear at least five?
Directions: When the clock starts, you will five minutes to complete the task. On your own, using the assigned prompt, list a minimum of 5 pieces of evidence you would use to make your argument. After 5 minutes, you will be partnered with a classmate with the same prompt. Together, answer the prompt (assign a scribe). You will have 10 minutes to complete your answer & turn in to the tray (write both your names on it).
Assigned Prompts: How did trade & communication networks develop by 600 CE? What was commonly traded along these trade networks? What impact did new technologies have on long-distance overland and maritime trade? Besides trade goods, what intangibles also traveled along trade networks & what was the impact? Your Evidence (MINIMUM of 5) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. MORE…?