Friday, January 9th and Monday, January 10th 10th Literature Standard 2, 3, and 4 Grammar Work – Review Parts of Speech (handout) Practice worksheet Unit 6 Vocabulary words and definitions (11-20) Lab time to work on web quest presentation Please bring your ID next class so that you can check out The Kite Runner from the Library.
Grammar Notes Please, write the following on your handout. Articles are: a, an and the Articles signal that a noun is going to follow. Example: Who invented the telephone? The wheel? The refrigerator? The airplane? A cat was chasing a mouse in my back yard.
Unit 6 Vocabulary words (11-20) 11. Officious – meddling; excessively forward in offering services or assuming authority 12. Ominous – unfavorable, threatening, of bad omen 13. Pinnacle – a high peak or point 14. Premeditated – considered beforehand, deliberately planned 15. Rampant – growing without check, running wild
16. Solace – comfort, relief; to comfort, console 17. Stately – dignified, majestic 18. Supple – bending easily; bending with agility; readily adaptable 19. Suppress – to stop by force, put down 20. Venal – open to or marked by bribery or corruption