Bell Ringer 12/1/2014 How do you believe a law comes into existence? For example, voting age is 18 years of age or higher for citizens.
Introducing the Constitution
The Legislative Branch Article I of the Constitution
The Articles of the Constitution Article I (10 sections)- Legislative Branch Article II (4 sections)- Executive Branch Article III (3 sections)- Judicial Branch Article IV (4 sections)- State Privileges Article V- Amendments are allowed Article VI- National Supremacy Article VII- Ratification
Legislative Branch Article I Sections (1-10) of the Constitution Lawmaking body of the government Passes Bills that become Law if signed by the President These laws are subject to interpretation and Constitutional review by the Supreme Court The House has 19 Committees; 90 subcommittees The Senate has 17 Committees; 70 subcommittees There are 4 joint House and Senate Committees
Requirements for Membership Section 1: Understanding the Constitution Requirements for Membership Legislative Branch House of Representatives – 25 years old, U.S. citizen for 7 years, resident of state in which he or she is elected Senate – 30 years old, U.S. citizen for 9 years, resident of the state he or she represents
How a Bill becomes a Law Proposed by Executive Branch or The House of Representatives The House of Representatives votes on the bill If it passes by a 2/3 majority in the House then it goes to the Senate. The Senate debates. IF changes are made they send back to the House. If NO changes are made and 2/3 approve in Senate, it is sent to the President. Once sent to the President, he/she either signs it or vetoes it.