Into Class: Monday, December 7th Today’s Objective: -Annotate cinematic techniques utilized in film that contribute to a director’s cinematic style. Into Class: Monday, December 7th Warm Up: Fill out your focus calendar Staple warm ups to your FOCUS Calendars and hand in to your class bin. Grab a Nightmare Before Christmas screening note page from my podium. Today, we will be… Watching Nightmare Before Christmas and annotating for cinematic techniques that create Burton’s style. **Important Reminder** WEDNESDAY by 3pm is your last chance to turn in any missing assignments. End this semester as strong as you can! Colleges are watching!! Turned-In Today: FOCUS Calendar 8: 11/23-12/4 Materials Needed: -Activity 2.12 handout -Nightmare Before Christmas screening notes -Writing Utensil Homework: Be sure you have BOTH outlines completed for EA 2.2 before Wednesday!
Into Class: Tuesday, December 8th Today’s Objective: -Annotate cinematic techniques utilized in film that contribute to a director’s cinematic style. Into Class: Tuesday, December 8th Warm Up: Fill in your focus calendar On a piece of loose leaf paper, discuss the similarities and differences of Nightmare Before Christmas compared to the other two Burton films we’ve analyzed. Today, we will be… Continuing to watch Nightmare Before Christmas and annotating for cinematic techniques that create Burton’s style. Beginning to outline EA 2.2: Writing a Style Analysis Essay **Important Reminder** WEDNESDAY by 3pm is your last chance to turn in any missing assignments. End this semester as strong as you can! Colleges are watching!! Turned-In Today: Materials Needed: -Activity 2.12 handout -Nightmare Before Christmas screening notes -Writing Utensil Homework: Complete the EA 2.2 Outline. You will only be able to type tomorrow if your outline in completed.
Into Class: Wednesday, December 9th Today’s Objective: -Edit and revise a style analysis essay for textual evidence, organization, and content for improvements towards a final draft. Into Class: Wednesday, December 9th Warm Up: Fill in your focus calendar Place your keyboard on top of the computer and DO NOT log in. Take out all materials needed for EA 2.2 Today, we will be… Typing the final draft of EA 2.2: Writing a Style Analysis essay Read text and begin outline for Writing Final **Important Reminder** TODAY by 3pm is your last chance to turn in any missing assignments for the semester. Turned-In Today: Materials Needed: -EA 2.2 Handouts -Writing Utensil -Highlighter -Writing Final Prompt/Literary Devices Chart/Text Homework: Complete the Literary Devices chart for your writing final. REMEMBER: NO COMPLETE SENTENCES!
Into Class: Thursday, December 10th Today’s Objective: -Describe an author’s tone by analyzing their use of literary devices through a short story Into Class: Thursday, December 10th Warm Up: Fill in your focus calendar Sit in alphabetical order by last name. Staple your EA 2.2 packet in the order listed on the board. Today, we will be… Taking your Literary Analysis Writing Final Exam. -Rough Draft Turned-In Today: EA 2.2 Essay and Packet Materials Needed: Literary Devices Chart “Tell-Tale Heart” Text Loose Leaf paper (5-6 sheets) Writing Utensil Homework:
Into Class: Friday, December 11th Today’s Objective: -Edit and revise a style analysis essay for textual evidence, organization, and content for improvements towards a final draft. Into Class: Friday, December 11th Warm Up: Fill in your focus calendar Same seats as yesterday. Take out a writing utensil and clear your desk. Today, we will be… Completing your Literary Analysis Writing Final Exam. -Revision and Final Draft Turned-In Today: Materials Needed: Literary Devices Chart “Tell-Tale Heart” Text Loose Leaf paper (5-6 sheets) Writing Utensil Homework: None