Chapter 30 Texas Government
Section 1: The Texas Constitution Essential Question: Why does the Texas Constitution contain a bill of rights? Main Ideas Ideas from the U.S. Constitution have influenced the Texas Constitution. The Texas Constitution is based on several key principles intended to protect the rights of citizens. The Texas Constitution includes a bill of rights to protect people’s freedoms.
outlines Texans’ civil liberties, or individual rights, that the state Influence THE TEXAS BILL OF RIGHTS Purpose Examples U.S. Bill of Rights outlines Texans’ civil liberties, or individual rights, that the state government promises to protect freedom of speech freedom of the press freedom of worship right to a trial by jury
Section 2: The Texas Legislature Essential Question: What are the structure, powers, and duties of the Texas legislature? Main Ideas The Texas legislature makes the state’s laws. The lawmaking process is long and complex.
House of Representatives TEXAS LEGISLATURE Senate Leader: Members: Term of Office: Powers and Duties: Speaker of the House lieutenant governor 150 representatives 31 senators two years four years make laws propose constitutional amendments may bring impeachment charges against and vote to impeach judges and executive officials make laws propose constitutional amendments must approve all executive appointments may try and convict officials impeached in the House
Section 3: The Texas Executive Branch Essential Question: What are characteristics of the office, and powers and duties of the Texas governor? Main Ideas The powers and duties of the governor of Texas are outlined in the state constitution. In addition to the governor, several other officials and agencies are part of the executive branch.
TEXAS GOVERNOR Selection Term of Office Qualifications Primary Powers and Duties Other Powers elected in even-numbered years that do not have presidential elections four years, with no term limit at least 30 years old, U.S. citizen, Texas resident for at least five years immediately before the election. oversees many state agencies, appoints and removes officials to state agencies (with Senate approval), proposes budget and policies for the states, signs or vetoes bills and budget items makes “State of the State” address, calls special sessions of the legislature and sets the agenda, appoints judges to fill vacancies, pardons criminals, calls out the National Guard, declares martial law, represents state
Section 4: The Texas Judiciary Essential Question: What important function does the jury system fulfill? Main Ideas The Texas judicial system includes many levels of courts. Juries play important roles in the judicial system.
decides the verdict in a trial person accused of a felony TEXAS JURY SYSTEM Importance Petit Jury Grand Jury fulfills the right of all Texans to a trial by jury, as guaranteed in the Texas Bill of Rights decides the verdict in a trial decides whether a person accused of a felony should be indicted
Section 5: The State Budget and Public Education Essential Question: How is public education in Texas governed? Main Ideas The Texas budget includes revenue from taxes, fees, and other sources. Public education is funded and governed at both the state and local levels.
Texas Board of Education Texas Education Agency STATE ADMINISTRATION LOCAL ADMINISTRATION TEXAS PUBLIC SCHOOLS Texas Legislature passes laws governing public schools sets education policy and reviews textbooks; 15 elected members Texas Board of Education puts education policy into effect; directed by an appointed commissioner of education Texas Education Agency Independent School Districts run schools locally govern the school districts; duties include selecting textbooks and setting property tax rates School Boards run the day-to-day business of the school district; hired by the school board Superintendents
Chapter Wrap-Up How was the Texas Constitution influenced by ideas found in the U.S. Constitution? Why do you think the two documents have similarities? What are some of the advantages and disadvantages of having a weak governor? Name the public service that you think should receive most state funds. Give three reasons to support your choice.