Debate Project.


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Presentation transcript:

Debate Project

Debate Format - Pro (1 or 2 Debater(s) will provide their argument why they support the issue) - Con (1 or 2 Debater(s) will provide their argument why they are against the issue) - Presentation (Dress-up for the presentation to look professional and get maximum points.

Data (Information) - Debater(s) will provide data (i. e Data (Information) - Debater(s) will provide data (i.e., constitutional law, precedence “past cases”, recent events) to support their arguments. Visual Effects - Debater(s) must use visual effects to enhance their presentation. Debater(s) can be creative by making a short video to illustrate and enhance their argument. Short video clips related to the argument (i.e., YouTube) can also be used. It must be relevant to the debate.

The following items will be used for the project: 1 The following items will be used for the project: 1. Flowchart (1 per Debater(s) – must be clean) 2. Power Point (8-12 slides – outline key points) 3. Index cards (4-6 cards – must use during the Power Point presentation) 4. Essay (500 words essay – use APA Format) The flowchart, index cards, and essay will be collected after the debate for a grade.

The thought process… Plan strategically (anticipate) to counter the opponents next move (key points of the argument).

Maintaining Composure - Each student is expected to maintain their composure during the presentation. The student must be respectful during their opponent’s presentation. * Note: Loosing your composure shows lack of confidence and exposes weakness. You also lose credibility with the Judges and Instructor.

Time Frame Present the Argument - Pro (4 to 6 minutes) - Con (4 to 6 minutes) Rebuttals (1 or 2 Questions in sentence format) - Pro ( 1 minute) - Con (1 minute) Answer the Rebuttals (Final Response) - Pro ( 2 minutes Max.) - Con (2 minutes Max.) Time will be monitored so do not go over or it will cost your team points.

Judges (Six Students) - There will be 6 students that will serve as the judges. The instructor will be the tiebreaker in case of a tie. - The Judges will vote with a secret ballot in the end of the debate to decide who won the case. - The Judges do not decide the project grades, only the instructor.

Audience (Participation Points) - Pay attention to the presentation quietly (no cell phones, sleeping, talking). It will result in losing points in the project. - Anybody that tries to instigate/incite an argument that could lead to unrest during the presentation will be removed from class and the student(s) will get NO CREDIT for the assignment. - The instructor will occasionally ask the audience questions about the debate to check if they are paying attention for the participation points.

What will be graded ?(600 Points) - Speech (Clear, loud, and convincing) = 150 - Composure (focused & professional) = 50 - Visual (creative with pictures/videos) = 150 - Essay (500 words APA format) = 150 - Flowchart (clean & well written) = 50 - Index Cards (4-6 cards) = 50 NOTE: Debate Winners (Extra 50 points!)

Debate Topics 1. Abortion (should it be illegal) 2 Debate Topics 1. Abortion (should it be illegal) 2. Illegal Immigrants (should they be given an opportunity to work in the U.S.) 3. Gun Control (should it be banned all together) 4. Marijuana (should it be legal) 5. Gay marriage (should it be allowed) 6. Euthanasia (should it be legal) 7. Death Penalty (should it be prohibited) 8. Affirmative Action (should it continue) 9. Send U.S. troops overseas to fight terrorist. 10. DO VIOLENT VIDEO GAMES CONTRIBUTE TO YOUTH VIOLENCE? 11. ARE SOCIAL NETWORKING SITES GOOD FOR OUR SOCIETY?