Project: Wiring a Building Guidance
What must be included in your house?
Must include: A single light for outside your house
Must include: A series branch
Must include: A parallel branch
Must include: A combination circuit
Your house must pass various building codes that will be evaluated Your house must pass various building codes that will be evaluated. These include:
Code Check: Paper clip switch Switch in off position. Switch in on position.
Code Check: Connections with Electrical Tape NO! YES!
Code Check: No wires visible inside building YES! YES! YES!
Code Check: No wires visible inside building
Code Check: Wires secured to building. YES! YES!
Code Check: Wires secured to building. NO! NO!
Code Check: Electrical box housing 1 positive and 1 negative connection for the power company.
Circuit Diagram Symbols
Floor Plan Symbols and Layout Windows Door