Civil War and Military Rule (1966-1979) Cindy Lee Yu Jin Yang
Background "Biafran War“ Eastern Region of Nigeria vs. the rest of the country The Eastern Region declared itself an independent state (act of secession)
Regime Military-led government of national unity
Economy COMMAND ECONOMY The federal government controlled the dispensation of oil revenues Oil industry grew economic benefits Hunger and starvation Major infrastructural projects Enterprises Promotion decree of 1972 foreign involvement permitted
Leaders General Aguiyi Ironsi Yakubu Gowon Murtla Muhammad General Olusegun Obasanjo
Politics/Ideology Military government continued in power Laws were passed mandating that political parties could not be ethnically based "To keep Nigeria one is a task that must be done” popular slogan During the war Coercion
Change Intensification of ethnic conflict Formation and destruction of First Republic
Bibliography textbook