Alcohol and Your Body
Types of Alcoholic Beverages Most alcohol comes from fermented plants. Beverage Alcohol is Ethanol Wine = grapes and other fruits Beer = grains like barley and wheat Spirits and liquors (whiskey, vodka, etc)= plants that are fermented then processed even more. Methanol- non consumable by humans Will cause blindness and even death in even small amounts. Used for various other purposes Fuel, chemical additives.
Alcohol in Your Body Alcohol is taken orally, and then goes to the stomach and small intestine where it is then absorbed into the bloodstream. Alcohol has little nutritional value and acts as a poison and drug to the body. The main drug effect is on the central nervous system.
Alcohol in Your Body CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM(CNS)- consists of the brain, and spinal cord. Controls: speech, thinking, judgement, memory, and learning. Controls: Emotions, breathing, senses, and movement. Alcohol is a depressant of the CNS. DEPRESSANT- a drug that slows body functioning. Alcohol also affects your kidneys, liver and digestion.
Alcohol in Your Body At low levels (one drink) alcohol effects mood. Some feel more relaxed, friendly, active and less shy. One of the reasons some choose to drink. Some have the attitude that if a little is good, more will be better. Often has negative consequences
Alcohol and Your Brain Alcohol affects the parts of the brain that control behavior. The more alcohol in the body the more thinking, memory and judgement are impaired. Reduced ability to determine safe vs unsafe. With even more alcohol you lose control of speech, movement and coordination. The CNS may become so depressed that is causes sleep/passing out, and in extreme cases coma and death by alcohol poisoning.
Alcohol in the Blood BLOOD ALCOHOL CONCENTRATION (BAC)- is the amount of alcohol in the bloodstream. Often called blood alcohol level (BAL) Measured in percentages. Is the result of how much and how fast you drink alcohol.
Alcohol in the Blood The liver changes alcohol in the blood stream into waste products (water and carbon dioxide). The body gets rid of the waste products through breathing and urination. The liver can only process alcohol so fast. Usually at the rate of one drink per hour. If alcohol is taken in faster than that it stays in the blood raising the BAC. Food in the stomach may slow the absorption of alcohol in the blood but will not speed up the processing of alcohol by the liver. Only time can lower your BAC
Individual Reactions to Alcohol Each person will react differently to alcohol. Factors affecting reactions to alcohol How much and how fast a person drinks Body weight Food in the stomach Genetic vulnerability Alcohol tolerance Gender Physical health/condition Medications Mental attitude
ONE DRINK in an HOUR BAC .02-.04 Physical Effects Mental Effects Mild relaxation Reaction time slowed Acting silly Telling people things you may not normally tell
TWO DRINKS in an HOUR BAC .03-.06 Physical Effects Mental Effects Slight to minor impairment of Memory Balance Speech vision Reaction time Hearing Reduction in judgement and self control. Belief you are functioning better than you really are
THREE DRINKS in an HOUR BAC .05-.14 Physical Effects Mental Effects Loss of physical control Minor to significant impairment of Coordination Balance Speech Vision Hearing Moderate to severe impairment of judgement and perception Feeling lightheaded