Plot Mrs. Oloya
Plot the events that form a story
Elements of Plot Climax Rising Action Falling Action Exposition Resolution Conflict: problem Action/Events Turning Pt. Highest level of suspense Events after Climax Setting: where/when story takes place Characters Background End of Conflict End of Story
Importance of Conflict Characters Story Through their struggle, the message is learned (theme) Majority of story is spent struggling with and trying to solve the conflict Creates suspense feeling of growing tension and/or excitement, makes the reader curious about what’s next
Types of Conflict Internal External conflict within yourself Man vs. Self conflict outside yourself Man vs. Man: another person Man vs. Society: government or law Man vs. Nature: environment, elements, natural disaster Man vs. Technology: science, invention, machine
Pacing and Placement Pacing: the amount of writing given to a description or event matches its importance in the story Placement: order of events Foreshadowing: hint about future, builds suspense Flashback: event from past is brought up, gives insight to current events