Protests, Counterculture, and the end… The Vietnam War Protests, Counterculture, and the end…
The TV War… War was seen by the majority of Americans on TV. Morley Safer's Report Tet Offensive – North Vietnamese & Viet Cong (N.V. guerilla army from South Vietnam) Coordinated attack on Lunar New Year, an agreed upon cease fire Huge loss for N.V. and Viet Cong (40,000 vs. 1,600 American) Press coverage made it appear as an American loss Lowered American support for the war
Public Opinion…
My Lai Massacre US destroys village of My Lai then covered it up Viet Cong suspected of hiding there When uncovered, Americans questioned the morality of the war These events plus lack of real progress diminish support
The Anti-War Movement “New Left” – Stressed participatory democracy and issues that affected the lower class As opposed to “Old Left” of 1930’s that affected workers Vietnam Veterans Against the War (1967) Overall considered a vocal minority Richard Nixon easily elected President in 1968 and 1972
Issues at Home Protests at Kent State and Jackson State Universities result in six students killed Publishing of the Pentagon Papers revealed deception by the government to run the war
Opposition – So what did people do? Dodging the Draft history/videos/dodging-the-draft
Nixon and Vietnamization President Richard Nixon promises Vietnamization (1969) Replacing American soldiers with Vietnamese Seeing supply lines from Cambodia, President Nixon orders its bombing (1970) 1973 – Nixon begins pulling Americans out of Vietnam 1975 – South Vietnam falls to North; country united under Communist govt.
And that’s all I have to say about that…