Christ’s Care Lesson 26 John 10:1-42
Theme God has been good to all men. Christians enjoy the special care of Christ, the care of the Good Shepherd.
I. Entrance into Christ’s Care A. When does Christ’s care begin? Vs. 7, 9 Enter the Gate - Salvation B. What does a person avoid by entering Christ’s care? Vs. 8, 10a Thieves & Robbers - false teachers C. What does a man gain in Christ’s care? Vs. 10b Abundant Life
II. Extent of Christ’s Care A. What are the limits of Christ’s care? Vs. 11-21 No Limits B. Who is included under Christ’s care? Vs. 16 Everyone - Jew & Gentile
III. Permanence of Christ’s C. A. What is the assurance that this care is permanent? Vs. 28-30 I & My Father are one.