Once Upon A Time....
There was a Very Rich Man
His name was Dividend Dividend
Dividend had lots of Money!
Dividend had a son named Divisor
Divisor had a few really good friends
Their names were quotient 1, quotient 2, quotient 3 and quotient 4
BUT Divisor’s friends did not have very much money
One day, Dividend got very sick and died.
Now Divisor had no family.
Dividend left all his money to Divisor.
Now Divisor had a lot of money.
But instead of keeping all the money to himself....
Divisor .....divided....up all his money and gave some to his friends Quotient 1 Quotient 3 Divisor Quotient 4 Quotient 2
The Moral Of The Story Dividend ÷ Divisor = Quotient