Definitions •Public Bills These are proposals for laws that will affect the public in general. Most public bills are introduced by Government Ministers. •Private Bills They concern an individual or group of individuals only.
Policy Proposal • Draft bill is prepared in two official languages and approved by the responsible Minster. • Draft bill is presented to Cabinet for approval. • If approved it is ready to be introduced in Parliament.
First Reading First reading in either the Senate or the House of Commons. Bill is printed.
Senate The Senate has 105 members. Senators are appointed by the Governor General on the recommendation of the Prime Minister and hold office until age 75. The Senate studies, amends and either rejects or approves bills passed by the House of Commons. It can also introduce its own bills, except those to spend public money or impose taxes, which must be introduced in the House of Commons. No bill can become law until it has been passed by the Senate.
House of Commons Many laws in Canada first begin as bills in the House of Commons. In the Commons Chamber, Members devote most of their time to debating and voting on bills. To become a Member of Parliament, you must first run in a federal election, which is held every four years. In each of the country's 338 constituencies, or ridings, the candidate who gets the most votes is elected to the House of Commons, even if he or she gets less than half of the total votes.
Distribution Distribution of Senate Seats Area Seats Ontario 24 Quebec Distribution of House of Commons Seats Area Seats Ontario 121 Quebec 78 Nova Scotia 11 New Brunswick 10 Manitoba 14 British Columbia 42 Prince Edward Island 4 Saskatchewan Alberta 34 Newfoundland and Labrador 7 Northwest Territories 1 Yukon Territory Nunavut Total 338 Distribution of Senate Seats Area Seats Ontario 24 Quebec Maritimes Nova Scotia 10 New Brunswick Prince Edward Island 4 Western Provinces Manitoba 6 British Columbia Saskatchewan Alberta Additional representation 9 Newfoundland and Labrador Northwest Territories 1 Yukon Territory Nunavut Total 105
Second Reading Members debate and vote on the principle of the bill. (The House may decide to refer the bill to a legislative, standing or a special committee, or to Committee of the Whole.) o Consideration in Committee Consideration by the appropriate parliamentary committee (clause-by-clause study of the bill). Committee can summon witnesses and experts to provide it with information and help in improving the bill. o Report Stage Committee reports the bill to the House clearly indicating any amendments proposed. House considers amendments and votes for or against them.
Third Reading Debate and vote on bill as amended. Once bill has been read 3 times in the House, it is sent to the Senate for its consideration.
Royal Assent • Bill is presented to the Governor General for assent. • The Governor General may assent to Bill in the Queen's name, withhold assent or reserve assent. • When the Bill is given Royal Assent it becomes law.
In Force • Statute is in force: o upon Royal Assent o when it is proclaimed by the Governor General, o on a day specified in the act • Different sections may come into force at different times
Your Job You will create a bill of your own!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You must include: Title Overview of your bill (list at least 4 main points) Explain each part of your bill (all the subsections) Who does your bill affect? When will your bill coming into force?