Language Arts: Monday 12/3 Write the agenda for this week in your agenda book or on a separate piece of paper. Take out a separate piece of paper and put your name on the top. Begin working on the worksheet from THE HUB.
Language Arts: Tuesday 12/4 On a separate piece of paper, use the five senses to describe your favorite place. Describe it using your best writing ability (correct spelling, neat handwriting, and lots of creativity). Write at least 1 paragraph. You want the people reading it to be able to picture what it looks like and feel like they are there. (Sight, Sound, Touch, Taste, Smell) When you finish, read through to check for any mistakes. We will be reading them, so don’t share with each other yet
Homework: BROWN BAG CHALLENGE Find an object at your house to fit in this brown bag. RULES: Must be school appropriate and not break any rules. Must not be perishable (no food that rots) Must not make noise Must be a RANDOM object. Must fit in the brown bag YOU MAY NOT SHOW ANYONE YOUR OBJECT BEFORE CLASS TOMORROW. Keep it in your back pack.
Language Arts: Wednesday 12/5 On a separate piece of paper, write your name at the top. DO NOT SHOW ANYONE WHAT IS IN YOUR BAG OR LOOK AT ANYONE ELSE’S BAG. Have it out on your desk. Write a one-sentence description of what is in your brown bag without giving away what it is. Describe what it looks like, feels like, or what form it is in.
Brown Bag Challenge RULES: NO TALKING, pushing others, or peeking at other bags. (you will receive an alternate assignment if you do) Rotate when you hear the alarm. You must write a one sentence description that no one else has written already about the item in your bag. You Must sign your name next to your description. DO NOT PICK UP OR MOVE THE BROWN BAG. Simply look inside to make your observation, then write the word
Language Arts: Thursday 12/6 Work on your homework packet that is due tomorrow. (comparing TV to life) When you finish, read a book silently. We will be proofreading each other’s essays when everyone finishes.
Language Arts: Friday 12/7 TLC: typing Comparison Essay from Worksheet that is DUE TODAY.