Morning Procedures Unpack, agenda and math hw on desk Make lunch count Sharpen pencils Teacher Assistant…fill in lunch count and put outside door Read smart board for other directions
Mrs. LaBounty’s World RULES: Follow directions first time given. Have all materials ready. No put downs- Show respect.
Name on board Name- warning 1 check – walk 5 laps at recess 2 checks – walk 10 laps at recess 3 checks – walk 15 laps/silent lunch/phone call home After that….call principal/resource officer
Reward Cards In your agenda Punched for all homework, good behavior, leader in me behaviors, A’s on test, returning important papers 10 punches- trip to Treasure Chest (candy, homework passes, pencils, erasers,etc.)
Restroom Breaks Only during designated times (will go as a class after snack, after lunch, after recess) You can go two-by-two before 8:10am If absolutely have to go during class, name on board Need to have buddy whenever leave the room- this causes a disruption to other students.
SNACK 9:45 Bring your own….NO SHARING Must be nutritious- No candy No soda in can or bottle Water bottles okay Working snack….no talking!
LUNCH No talking in line…only when you are seated You may sit anywhere at designated tables You give Mrs. Cameron any problems and you will have assigned seat If she gets your name…walk at recess Teacher Assistant hands out Cards
Agendas Students write down homework each day Parents initial that homework is complete and students have read 20 minutes! Have agendas on desk each morning…I will check for parent initials
MATH Calendar Math Geometry Place Value, number sense, roman numerals Multiplication Decimals Division Fractions Graphs and tables Algebraic expressions and equations Weekly Math…get it on Mondays, due on Fridays! http://www.pearsonsuccess.net/
Math Notebook You need a one subject notebook daily. Use for Problem of Day. Notebook counts as a test grade each quarter. I will check them at progress report time and at the end of the quarter. Answers are checked in class. NEED TO KNOW MULTIPLICATION
Homework Math every night READ 20 minutes every night Weekly Math- due on Friday Science/SS- usually only if they did not finish in class
Friday Folders You will take home every Friday There is a weekly progress report on your homework and behavior Parent signs report, takes out papers and returns folder on Monday! You may look thru the papers and correct any math grades below a 70….turn in on Monday.
Dress Code Wear belt, pants on hip Tie shoes No spaghetti straps No short shorts No flip flops Phone call home if you are not in dress code
RECESS If you have to walk laps…NO TALKING Equipment Manager takes out basket…makes sure all equipment is returned! Stay within site of teacher at all times! If you can’t handle recess…you will walk for your recess!
PACKING UP Agenda should be on desk so you can check to make sure you have all materials for homework It is your responsibility to pack up all necessary books/supplies for homework NO EXCUSES……………………… Chair should be pushed under desk…and area around your desk should be clean! BELL DOES NOT DISMISS YOU….I DO!