PRESENTED BY: BK SINHA DR MN ROY, DR RK SINGH, PHANI KUMAR Report of the Sub-Committee on Capacity Building and Convergence
Background of the Report Sub Committee constituted in the second meeting of the Committee( 31 st October 09); Terms of Reference of the Sub Committee: Access the resource envelope made available for capacity building through various schemes; Determine the extent of use of IEC/ICT and the handicaps thereto; Assess the extent of convergence in these programs at various levels; Prepare a concept and national framework for capacity building. The frame work should include the definition of capacity building, principles of capacity building and the structures at national, state, district and sub-district level needed for capacity building.
Present Status of National Capacity Building Framework (NCBF) NCBF – First comprehensive guide to planning and implementing capacity development investments for local governments. NCBF supported some of the critical gaps other than training that are necessary for the capacity development of local governments complete cycle of training provision to access technical support provision for availing services to cover the functional gaps at the PRI level provision training using the cascading model Most states have started using a combination of e-based learning approaches satellite training centers video conferencing facilities telephone help lines Limitations far too focused on individual training and may not entirely address organisational or institutional capacity gaps. does not require the States to conduct a capacity needs assessment for each district omits pre-electoral training limited to BRGF districts no integration of line and sectors in capacity building un-realistic costing of capacity building training programme
Current Issues Underutilisation of resources available under the flagship programs of rural development. A substantial amount of resources committed for the capacity development under BRGF has not been utilised. A manifestation of the weak capacity of SIRDs, the lynchpin service providers, and other nodal agencies. No social audit of capacity building Non-existent sub district training infrastructure
Institution Building Sine qua non to make SIRDs self sufficient and self renewing. to set up institution to capacity building at the district level to encourage learning from the people process to create a network of institution for capacity building Key role of civil society organisations and private sector actors in developing capacities for local governance. NIRD as national level lynchpin service provider with the mandate to coordinate national level activities and facilitate collaboration among capacity development service providers dispersed across the country.
Why a new framework? NCBF not complete, mostly confined to training NCBF provides limited flexibility to States Provision for institutionalisation of Best Practices Lack of a common framework that could be used for the need assessment, design, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of capacity development projects The report of the first independent review mission for BRGF recommends developing format/template and guidelines for Capacity Needs Assessment for capacity development planning while allowing flexibility and innovation at State level
New Framework New Capacity Development Programme -NCDP- Participatory process Monitoring & Evaluation Delivering Structure Individual Electoral Gram Sabha Community/ CBos/ SHGs/ other Groups State Constitution Legal/ Policy/ Guidelines/ Framework Institutions PRIs/ ULBs Direct Democratic Process
Objectives Institution capacity in planning, implementation and self evolution Self Reliance and self support Create pressure on other institution for assertion of their share Capacities of Dalits, Tribals, OBCs, Minorities & Women should be brought at par with other LSG Should be able to assert vis-à-vis. Bureaucracy, State and National Government Different tiers of PRIs institution should be able to develop ownership and template for planning & action Should be able to create & function in a network
Features Common to the entire country Provided the broad framework with provision for local level variation Common feature include monitoring & evolution funding accounting procedure MIS based reporting Electronics transfer, tracking and accounting Integration with capacity building of all other programmes Composite mode of training 8 Sectoral Modules for training Common content delivery in core areas
Proposed Structure Cascading Mode NIRD ToT SIRD ETCs/DTC Block Panchayat MTs Training Distance Mode Ground Truthing Master Trainers State Self Learning Mode e-learning Mobile Device Private Radio Partner Peoples Training Institute
Areas of Concern Inadequate in funding personal & infrastructure Highly segmented & Sectoral No TNA & preparation of Training Profile Inadequate reporting No Social Audit of Training Delivery Not demand driven Peoples initiatives not captured
Training Delivery Structure LevelNomenclatureCompositionFunctionfunding NationalNCCD National Council for Capacity Development NIRD, Representatives of Rural Ministries, RoRD, MoPR, DoLR, DWS, Women & Child Welfare, Social, Planning Commission, representatives of CBOs, Minorities, HRD, Health Policy formation, Monitoring, Co- ordination, Center Development, Evaluation, Data maintenance National Capacity Development fund, 1%of sectoral funds StateCouncil for capacity development SIRDs Convener, ATIs, concern departments, representatives of CBOs, Planning Commission, Elected Panchayats and ULBs representatives Policy formation, Monitoring, Co- ordination, Center Development, Evaluation, Data maintenance, local variation content, production of training materials, delivery of content, supervision, monitoring evaluation State level Capacity development fund SCDFs, State government grants DistrictDCCDZP President, District Collector & Secretary, Municipal Chairperson District Technical Head, Nominated CBO/NGO representative SIRD Nominee NCDP Planning, implementation monitoring local variations to national programmes, DCCD to device intermediate level structure District capacity development fund Pulling together of all funds IPIPCCDIP President, CEO, IP, Block technical heads, ETC nominee, Master trainers, NGO NCDP Planning, implementation monitoring local variations to national programmes, DCCD to device intermediate level structure, Support development of peoples learning process; Capacity building of the Gram Sabha; support GP Planning; BRGF, flagship programmes, untied funds of the Panchayats
Module Mapping Course objective Expected Learning out Come Course Content & Self Thought Mode Case Studies Audio Visuals Games Learning out Come Course Evaluations CD Institutions Subject Sub-Subject Topic Sub-Topic
Role of PRIs Largest component (44L) Centrality of the PRIs Integrated training concept Monitoring & Evaluation MIS Social Audits TNA
Infrastructure Creation of National Vision Disaggregated vision at different level Clear delineation of personal Flexibility in personal policies MIS Use of ICT
Funding National common funding pattern for CD Fund allocation for training programme to be computed at per capita basis 3 levels of funding to be clearly demarcated Market & other linkages Clear cut ear marking & integration of CD funds of all CSS into NCD funds Audit
Legislative Framework National Capacity development programme should be mandatory Pooling of Capacity Building Training funds of all scheme into NCDP to be made mandatory According to the Activity Mapping devolving of 3fs to be made mandatory by states Implementation of the recommendations of 7 th round table conferences
Capacity Building Matrix
Thank You