What will the students learn this year? AHOY Welcome aboard Mrs. Rose-Smith’s Third Grade Syllabus 2017-2018 Don’t forget to check our class website www.thessthirdgrade.weebly.com What will the students learn this year? Reading Utilizing a Workshop model, students will grow their stamina and level while learning how to dive-deep into fiction and navigate nonfiction texts. Writing Utilizing a Workshop model, students will independently grow their writing through the following units: Opinion, Personal Narrative, Nonfiction, and Fairy Tales. Math Math will be taught using small groups and centers. Students will practice math facts daily and learn a wide variety of computation skills including multiplication and division. Spelling Using a rotation of differentiated groups, students will learn how to apply spelling patterns unique to their needs. Content Applying lots of discovery through the Next Generation Science Standards, students will concentrate on Weather & Climate Patterns, Forces & Interactions, and Life in Ecosystems. The focus of third grade social studies is on communities. Students will learn about Geography, History, Government, and Economics. STEAM and Maker Space Maker Spaces are areas where students gather to collaborate, brainstorm, invent, design, and create utilizing the principles of STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art, and mathematics) typically using non-traditional materials. The year will culminate in a grade-level Invention Convention! PARCC No stress zone! PARCC practice will be implicit and infused into the curriculum, providing students with plenty of practice throughout the year. Testing dates TBD. SNACK Students should bring a healthy, daily snack to be enjoyed while working each afternoon. BIRTHDAYS Unfortunately, school policy does not allow food… but we can celebrate in other ways, including guest readers and donating a book to the classroom library in your child’s name. GRADING 93-100 A 85-92 B 76-84 C 70-75 D Genesis will be updated regularly. MAKE UP WORK All missed work will be the responsibility of the student. BATHROOM Students may access the bathroom on an “as needed” basis, as long as it does not interfere with instruction time. BEHAVIOR POLICY Participation in ALL subjects is required and expected. Students will be rewarded with tickets for going “above and beyond,” which can be exchanged for fun, class-appropriate activities! =Thursday =All week =Friday