Citizen-Led Multi-agency Safeguarding Adults Policy and Procedures The Leeds Approach Citizen-Led Multi-agency Safeguarding Adults Policy and Procedures April 2019
Citizen-led? The LSAB wants to develop an approach going forward that involves citizens and learns from citizen experiences. So for the first time we have sought to directly include citizens in the development of our policies and procedures and used their advice and expectations as part of our guidance.
Who we spoke to: We consulted with eight citizen groups: Touchstone, Leeds Survivor-Led Crisis Service, Saint George’s Crypt, Barca Leeds, Pennington Court, Carers Leeds, Osmonthorpe Hub, Oakwood Hall and Leep1 (below)
…and have tried to include their views throughout the policy and procedures, we have also compiled these views into Citizen-led practice guidance booklets and posters.
Introduction to the new procedures The Touchstone Safeguarding Group wrote the Foreword to the procedures. They wanted to make a video to tell people the importance of talking to and hearing the voice of those at risk, when being supported within these procedures.
Talk to me, Hear my voice The revised procedures therefore are based around the importance of Talking to people and Hearing their voice. Each stage identifies potential conversations and service expectations of adults at risk, that we should aim to achieve wherever possible and appropriate. In this way, the revised procedures aim to complement existing good practice in the city around person centred and strength based practice.
What else is different? Catching up with practice We made changes in October 2018 – that we needed to capture within our policy and procedures. Namely; We ended the practice of ‘substantiating abuse’ We changed Case Conferences Meetings to more person-centred Outcome Meetings These changes are now captured in the policy and procedures. The guidance in relation to involving the source or risk / person alleged to have caused the abuse has been updated. Guidance: Person alleged to be responsible for the abuse/neglect. Historically the process has been focused on substantiating abuse; and therefore the person who may have caused the abuse attended case conferences etc. However, now the process is different, the guidance is different. The views of a person who may have caused the abuse should be included as part of the risk assessment but meetings are about the safety of a member of the public. This brings the focus hopefully back to the person at risk rather than the person alleged to have caused harm.
What else is different? Moving forward We have tried to make the procedures more outward looking; to make sense to those being supported. Tell us your concern We will advise if this is the best way to help We will work with you to achieve the changes you want We will check if we have addressed your concern
What is new and different? There are no changes to how concerns should be reported to the local authority. The guidance has been simplified and there is an emphasis on involving the person in decisions wherever possible and appropriate. The Leeds Decision Support Tool has been included within the Procedures.
We will advise if this is the best way to help What is new and different? In accordance with current practice the local authority will need to consider the most appropriate response to the concerns. The person’s wishes and desired outcome will be an important consideration. Initial Enquiry is now called Information Gathering – there was a general view that this term was better for partnership working. As with Initial Enquiry, Information Gathering may be needed to consider what, if any further actions are needed, and sometimes concerns may be resolved at this point.
We will work with you to achieve the changes you want What is new and different? Where further actions are needed. A planning discussion or meeting will be needed to plan the response. The person’s wishes and views should be central any decisions. A range of responses may be appropriate according to the nature of the concerns. The aim should be to work with the person, involve them in risk assessments and the development of plans to mange those risks. Practitioners should seek to achieve the person’s desired outcomes wherever possible and appropriate.
Continued… Hence… Planning Meetings replace Strategy Meetings The procedures to do not separate responses into two separate pathways – all further actions start with a strategy meeting/discussion; all end with a outcome meeting/discussion. The responses taken can take many forms – but must relate to the nature of the risk and take into consideration the persons desired outcomes.
We will check if we have addressed your concern What is new and different? An outcome discussion or meeting will need to be held to review actions taken and to consider, what if any further actions are needed. The person at risk should be included in such discussions or meetings and their views will be important to any decisions made Outcome Meetings already replaced Case Conferences in October 2018. The procedures now catch up with this change.
Key roles What is new or different? What is new or different? Safeguarding Coordinator is the only formal designated/titled role in the procedures. Thus avoiding the technical approach of everyone taking on a nominated role within the procedures each time they take actions, which sometimes are just normal duties and responsibilities. We have in the past had roles such as: Safeguarding Concerns Manager e.g. a care home manager that has reported the concerns Safeguarding Enquiry Officer e.g. a social worker or a care home manger undertaking formal enquiries There are less formal enquiries that previously and the titles are not felt to be so necessary.
Forms What’s been changed? Overtime we have developed lots of forms, and not all were felt necessary now. These ones are being removed: Desired outcome statement form Notes of strategy discussion form Strategy Review meeting form
Forms What’s been changed? All the other forms have been updated to reflect new terminology e.g. planning meetings instead of strategy meetings; and sometimes to include some citizen feedback… e.g. Prompts about who will keep the person at risk informed e.g. Prompts to include actions the person or their family might take in safeguarding plans, as well actions taken by professionals “Lets agree – what I am going to do Lets agree – what you are going to do” Thus better supporting strength based approaches
Forms What’s been changed? Initial Enquiry Form is now Information Gathering Formal Enquiries Form is now Formal Report The term enquiries was not always felt to be helpful in all circumstances Risk Management Response is now Record of Safeguarding Response It is now a more structure document to record risk based response. As with the previous document, it can be used where it is helpful to do so.
Other supporting materials Currently being developed: Public accessible guides to the procedures Pictorial easy read guide The public accessible guide is likely to be complete late April 2019; the pictorial easy read guide is likely to take a couple of months longer.
When and how will the procedures be reviewed? There will be a consultation in September 2019 as to how the procedures are working in practice; so as to inform the need for changes to be made. In the meantime issues or challenges can be raised with the Quality Assurance and Performance Sub-group.
Other work being undertaken : Summer 2018 Revised Information Sharing Policy People in Positions of Trust guidance A independent service commissioned to gather citizen feedback Autumn 2019? Safeguarding & domestic abuse guidance