Daily Reading Annotations
For every class period we are reading in class… We will be completing Annotations focusing on the varying themes in the text. 3 required per class Checked at the end of the week For each quote you pick, you will need to complete the following Quote WITH page number Context of Quote Significance of Quote Annotations I cannot read will not be counted.
Theme Possibilities Quote-Context-Analysis Struggling to survive extinction in order for life to reemerge Living a good and altruistic life despite the harshness of the world Intentionally withholding information to shelter and protect Mans attempt to overcome nature’s obstacles The sacrificial demands of a father’s love
Annotations Exemplar What is wrong with the below annotation? “He took the can and sipped it and handed it back. You drink it, he said. Let’s just sit here.” (23) Living a good and altruistic life despite the harshness of the world They found a coke can and drank it because there wasn’t any coke anymore.
Annotation Class Exemplar How can we improve the previous annotation? “He took the can and sipped it and handed it back. You drink it, he said. Let’s just sit here.” (23) Context: Man found a can of coke in a supermarket…boy never had it before…wants to share with the dad. Explanation: In the apocalypse, everything’s destroyed and gone, They’ll never have this again…the man wants to have a normal moment with his son away from death.
Theme Possibilities Quote-Context-Analysis Themes Literary Devices Living a good and altruistic life despite the harshness of the world Intentionally withholding information to shelter and protect The sacrificial demands of a father’s love Symbolism/Metaphor Characterization Tone (attitude of words)/Mood (feelings of reader) B3