Cell Organelles
CELL WALL Provide support & protection Made of cellulose Not present in animal cells
Pair of organelles found in animal cells only CENTRIOLE Pair of organelles found in animal cells only aid in cell division
CHLOROPLAST Site of photosynthesis Filled with chlorophyll (green pigment) Plant cells only
CYTOSKELETON As name implies provides framework for cell Made of microtubules & microfilaments
ENDOPLASMIC RETICULUM (ER) Can be ROUGH (with ribosomes attached) or SMOOTH (w/o ribosomes) Serves as transport within a cell “Conveyor belt”
GOLGI APPARATUS or BODIES Package and sort proteins and get them ready for export/shipping out of the cell “post office”
LYSOSOME Contains STRONG digestive enzymes Gets rid of waste, bacteria, worn-out organelles Animal cells usually
MITOCHONDRIA The “powerhouse” of the cell Site of cellular respiration Sugar is burned to give energy
NUCLEUS The “brain” of the cell Directs all cell activities - control center Contains the genetic material
NUCLEOLUS Smaller body found inside the nucleus – THE BLUE PART Directs the production of RNA
NUCLEAR ENVELOPE or MEMBRANE Surrounds the nucleus and controls what enters and leaves through the nuclear pores The YELLOW outside part
This is the DNA (in its unwound state) CHROMATIN This is the DNA (in its unwound state) The RED squiggly stuff
CYTOPLASM “jelly-like” fluid found within the cell in which all organelles are floating in
CELL or PLASMA MEMBRANE Selectively permeable – controls what enters and leaves the cell
RIBOSOME Tiny knob-like organelles that are the site of protein synthesis Found on ER or floating freely in cytoplasm
VACUOLE Warehouse and storeroom for cell Store water, food, waste, etc Large, central one in plants!