Symbols in our World Number a sheet of paper from 1-10. Decide what abstract ideas, morals, or values the following images, words, and objects can and do stand for in our culture.
#3 - Dove
#4 - Stork
#5 - Rose
#6 – Skull and crossbones
#7 – Big bad wolf
#8 – Ruby slippers
#9 – Eve’s apple
#10 – NVHS Vs. WVHS
Now… add this definition and example to your journal… Symbol: A person, place, thing, or event that stands for itself and for something beyond itself as well. Description: "The salamander devours his tail.“ p. 86 Now think—what might the salamander symbolize in F451?
The SALAMANDER symbolizes… Firemen Name of fire trucks Believed to “live in fire and be unaffected by flames”
The HEARTH symbolizes… Associated with fire Provides warmth for the home Is as burning place
Symbolic Reflection Journal: How does Bradbury’s use of symbols add meaning to F451? Characters can be symbols, too! Can you think of something that Clarisse symbolizes? Montag? Mildred? Discuss with a partner. Together, annotate 3 examples of symbolism.
Now… add this definition and example to your journal… Allusion: A reference to a historical event, book, person, place, or quote. Description: “We shall this day light such a candle…” p, 40 Now think—what did Beatty say was being referred to in F451?
The quote is referring to… a speech by Latimer to Nicholas Ridley on October 16, 1555 spoken as the men were being burnt alive at Oxford, for heresy