English I February 15
English I February 16
English I February 17
Agenda and Reminders You will complete the character wish list today. You can work in groups of two. Due by tomorrow. Make sure to turn in your Hughes poem questions Grab a Part V Novel HW sheet (due Friday) Literary Device Quiz is due on Thursday so you have enough time. HONORS: Have your SPY Project Entries ready. I will call you up.
Obsequious Adjective—obedient, dutiful Consecutive Sequential Definition and Part of Speech of Word: Adjective—obedient, dutiful Your own sentence using the word: Definition of Root: Sequ, Secu- To follow Other words with root: Consecutive Sequential
Vivacious Nocturnal Gracious Adj- having the quality of being lively Definition and Part of Speech of Word: Adj- having the quality of being lively Your own sentence using the word: Definition of Suffix: acious, cous, al like, having the quality of Other words with suffix: Nocturnal Gracious
English I February 18
Amicable Definition and Part of Speech of Word: Adj- Characterized by or showing good will; friendly; peaceful Your own sentence using the word: Definition of prefix, suffix, or root: ami-, amo- love Other words with prefix, suffix, or root: amiable
Auditorium Noun- aud-, audi- listen Definition and Part of Speech of Word: Noun- The area of a concert hall, theatre, school, etc, in which the audience sits. Your own sentence using the word: Definition of prefix, suffix, or root: aud-, audi- listen Other words with the prefix, suffix, or root:
English I February 19