Formal letter
Mrs Pemble I am a 16 years old man. I am a 16-year-old man. Ik heb de Ned. nationaliteit. I am from Holland. I am Dutch/have the Dutch nationality. I was born in Holland. I go to school. I go to the school. I go to the school in Waardhuizen. I make columns... I write columns ... At my school we work with computers. We work with computers at my school. (PT-rule)
Mrs Pemble The advertisement was interested. The advertisement was interesting. I am in my last year. I am in my final year. We write for the subject English. We write for English class. At my school I write for the school paper. I write for the school paper. We use it for work pieces. We use it to make/write assignments/papers. A computer is really imported. A computer is really important. We have one computer at home. We use them to write ..... We use it to write ....
Mrs Pemble I write about things that happens on my school. I write about things that happen at my school. It was the best of The Netherlands. It was the best in the Netherlands. I write much articles for the paper. I have written many articles for the paper. We write also papers on art. We also write papers on art. We also write ... He is also a very good ... They should also pay attention to .... Do they also serve meat?
Mrs Pemble Last month I have read the advertisement in the early times. Last month I read the advertisement in The Early Times. WELKE?
Mrs Pemble And I have written many essays about art. I have written many articles essays about art. Begin een zin nooit met: and, so, but, because, also
Mrs Pemble I could write about the night life in Amsterdam, interviews with singers I could write about night life in Amsterdam and interview singers
Could you please tell me how much I am going to earn. Mrs Pemble How much do I get? Could you please tell me how much I am going to earn.
bla bla bla bla bla Mrs Pemble For me the usefulness of the computer is that it helps me to relax. bla bla bla bla bla A computer is useful because it helps me to relax.
Mrs Pemble Dear Mrs Loïse Pemble, Dear Mrs Pemble,
Mrs Pemble No short forms !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mrs Pemble Rijks Straat Weg 153 Rijksstraatweg 153