Local Government They are the closest to the people, which makes it easier to have influence.
Metropolitan communities Metropolitan area – a large city and its surrounding suburbs. Cities – densely populated areas with commercial, residential, and industrial sections. Towns – small and rural. Suburbs – settled area next to a city.
Types of local government County – largest territory and subdivision of the state. They enforce state laws. Municipality – city government.
Municipal governments Mayor-Council form- mayor is Exec. branch and Council acts as Leg. branch. Commission Form- combines Exec. and Leg. into a commission consisting of different departments. Example – police. Council Manager Form- Exec. and Leg. branches are separate.
Challenges of cities Housing shortages Inadequate transportation Infrastructure – (roads, pipes, sewers, etc.) Pollution Poverty Crime
Social problems Homelessness – Over 3 million in the U.S. Drug Abuse – (Dealers, Gangs, etc.)
Biggest problem for cities
$$$MONEY$$$ Where do local governments get their money? Property taxes. Grant from the state and federal government.
LOCAL GOVERNMENT SERVICES Education Zoning Police and Fire Water Supply Sewage and Sanitation Transportation Social Services Recreation and Cultural Activities