Religion in the Middle Ages
Medieval Monks a man who has withdrawn from the world and dedicated his life to the church lived under strict discipline. Could not leave the monastery, marry, own property, or get involved in public affairs took care of those in need and did manual labour Any man could become a monk.
Religion in the Middle Ages In Europe during the Medieval times the only recognized religion was Christianity, in the form of the Catholic religion.
The Catholic Church Dominated Medieval Life had its own laws and land imposed taxes accepted gifts to be certain of a place in heaven. influenced the kings and rulers Opposition to the Catholic Church would result in excommunication. could not attend any church services, receive the sacraments and would go straight to hell when they died.
The Crusades The first of the Crusades began in 1095, when armies of Christians from Western Europe responded to Pope Urban II's plea to go to war against Muslim forces in the Holy Land. The Catholic church promised entrance into heaven to any solider
The Purpose of the Crusades The First crusades in 1095 was to capture Jerusalem from Islamic control A unjust war motivated by religion and prejudice
The Outcome of the Crusades the First Crusade achieved its goal with the capture of Jerusalem in 1099 Churches, homes were looted by Christian crusaders Crusaders slaughtered hundreds of men, women and children in their victorious entrance into the city. 6 separate Crusades in total from 1095-1229