Argument for the existence of God STARTER Argument for the existence of God Argument against the existence of God
To complete a baseline assessment evaluating the existence of God Tuesday, 21 May 2019 Is there a God? Learning objectives: To complete a baseline assessment evaluating the existence of God
THE BIG PICTURE Introduction to Religious Education What is RE all about? Does God exist? What are the arguments for and against the existence of God? Is there a God? (Assessment)
What have we learnt so far? OUTCOME 1: To complete a baseline assessment evaluating the existence of God What have we learnt so far? ARGUMENTS FOR GOD ARGUMENTS AGAINST GOD Key Word Meaning Atheist Someone who does NOT believe in God. Theist Someone who DOES believe in God. Agnostic Someone who is not sure whether or not God exists. Monotheist Someone who believe in only one God. Polytheist Someone who believe in more than one God (many gods). The Creation of the World Some people would argue that someone must have created the world and that someone must be God. The Big Bang The world was created by a big explosion. There is no need for the idea of a God as creator of the world. Answered Prayers Some people believe that they have prayed to God and He has answered their prayers either by directly speaking to them or by giving them a sign some other way. Unanswered Prayers Many people pray to God and yet their prayers are left unanswered. The Problem of Evil There is so much evil and suffering in the world that there cannot be a God because if there was He would do something about it. Miracles Something which goes against the laws of nature and is thought to be caused by God.
“There is no God!” Do you agree? OUTCOME 1: To complete a baseline assessment evaluating the existence of God “There is no God!” Do you agree? Give reasons for your answer showing more than one point of view. Paragraph one – Explain why some people believe that there is no God. Explain fully these arguments. Paragraph two – Explain thoroughly why some people believe that God does exist. Explain fully these arguments. Paragraph three – What do you think? Do you believe that God exists? Explain the reasons for your answer.
Does God exist? Learning Concepts OUTCOME 1: To complete a baseline assessment evaluating the existence of God Does God exist? Learning Concepts Give your own opinion/a point of view. Offer a basic explanation. Explain a point of view, using key terms. Recognise different points of view; comparing and contrasting the points, using some key words. Explain your own and at least one other point of view, explaining the attitudes towards the statement. Giving sound reasons to support each point of view. Links are made to at least one religion and religious teachings. Explain the different points of view – including your own – giving strong/persuasive reasons for the attitudes and evidence for these points of view. (Religious teachings may be included.) A justified conclusion will be given.