Jeff Buckley –singer-songwriter
BASIC BUCKLEY FACTS Born 1966 CLIFORNIA- both parents were musical His father TIM BUCKLEY was known as a cult singer songwriter but died early of drugs overdose. JEFF only met his father briefly and resented being compared to him though he did resemble him both physically and musically! His big break came when he sang at his dad’s tribute concert in 1991
MORE BUCKLEY FACTS He had an amazing range as a singer and often sang in FALSETTO He was influenced by all sorts of music- CLASSICAL,FOLK,HARD ROCK,INDIAN etc.. He found fame difficult to cope with and pressure of the music industry His personality could change dramatically as could his moods
GRACE- the album Not an immediate hit-contains a variety of tracks including a version of a classical piece by BRITTEN Became a hit gradually Jeff did not work quickly and really took his time perfecting tracks
How did he die?
He drowned in a river in Memphis Not through drugs or alcohol – he simply swam at night in a dangerous part
So why is he important? More complex than average rock performer Very talented guitarist and singer He was influenced by wide range of musical styles Only completed one album GRACE but this is recognised as a great piece of popular music