Journal #10: “Perceptions of America” Create a T-Chart with the following: What perceptions and/or stereotypes do Americans have about themselves? What perceptions and/or stereotypes do other countries have about Americans? Choose two of the perceptions/stereotypes you listed that Americans have about themselves and explain why you think these exist. Choose two of the perceptions/stereotypes you listed that foreigners have about Americans and explain why you think these exist.
Perceptions of America Read your assigned poem. Mark any words, phrases, or images that stand out to you about America. Why do they stand out? In your group analyze and specifically label the text for the following: Discuss what you already annotated on your poem Brief summary of each stanza/sentence Imagery: Which sense? Why is it important overall? Connotation +/- (per line): Why is this important? How does it set the tone? Diction: What specific words are used to help the author make a point? Why are these particular words used as opposed to others?
I, Hear America Signing x2 Title of Poem/author I, Hear America Signing x2 I Too Sing America x3 America x5 Diction Used Image Created Tone Created Start with a tone (note: the poems have more than one tone). Then decide which words (diction) and which images (imagery) the poet uses to create that tone. Shift: Does the poet’s attitude change? Where? How can you tell? Be prepared to share and defend your analysis!
Perceptions of America Compare and Contrast the tones expressed in all three poems by creating a Venn Diagram.
Thesis Statements Write an argumentative thesis statement that addresses a common perception about America within all three poems – the tone of your thematic statement (your independent clause) should match the tone consistent in all three poems, whereas the tone in your subordinate clause can match one of the tones that one poem has but not the others. . Write an analytical thesis statement that addresses how the poet conveys your poem’s claim about the perception(s) of America.