Unit: Animals at the Cellular Level Animal Science Unit: Animals at the Cellular Level Lesson: Heredity
Heredity Terms Codominance Probability Dominant Punnett Square Heritability Qualitative Trait Heritability Estimate Quantitative Trait Incomplete Dominance Recessive
Estimated Heritability Probability is the likelihood that a trait will occur in the offspring of two parents with known genetics Heritability is the proportion of the total variation (genetic and environmental) due to additive gene effects An approximation of the passing of traits from parents to offspring is called Heritability Estimate
The different types of traits Some traits are controlled by just one pair of genes, and others require several pairs of genes for traits to be included within an animals genetics Qualitative trait is a trait controlled by one pair of genes Quantitative Trait is a trait controlled by several pairs of genes Dominant Trait takes priority of expression Recessive Trait may be passed on to offspring but rarely expressed, except in certain combinations Incomplete Dominance occurs when genes or alleles are blended and expressed
Punnet Square The Punnet Square is a technique used for predicting genotypes It takes the dominant or recessive Traits of each parent and determines what combination of traits their offspring will receive
Homework Assignments Complete Heredity Stimulation Lab Complete Rebop Lab Punnet Square Homework Due tomorrow at the beginning of class 3D Animal Cell Project Make sure you put all your notes and graded assignments in your binder!!!!