Nursery Curriculum Information Spring Term 2 Dear Parents, In this leaflet you will find information about what your child is learning about this half term and how you can support them at home. Our topic is Growing and our role play area theme is a Farm Shop Communication Language and Literacy Please encourage your child to… give meaning to marks they make as they draw, write and paint write their own name and other letters of the alphabet practice hearing the initial sounds in words and saying the letter names and sounds of the alphabet show awareness of rhyme and alliteration, eg six silly sausages. show awareness of the way stories are structured, eg some stories start with ‘once upon a time’ and finish with ‘the end’ listen to and join in with repeated story language look at the pictures in their books and talk about what is going to happen in the story or what the picture is about talk about the story including the title, author, setting and characters use ‘and’ and ‘because’ to make their sentences longer ask questions, eg who, what, when, how and why Mathematical Development Please encourage your child to… be able to count out how many objects are in a set match numbers and quantity correctly begin to represent numbers using marks on paper or pictures know that everything can be counted including objects and actions count out up to 10 objects from a larger set count objects which cannot be moved, eg pictures in a story book compare two groups of objects, saying when they have the same number, more or fewer be aware that a group of things changes in quantity when something is added or taken away answer simple number problems, eg Two children are having a tea party. How many cups do they need? Understanding of the World Please encourage your child to… talk about growth and changes over time, eg how a bean grows into a plant or a baby grows into an adult talk about why things happen and how things work, eg how plants need soil, water and sunlight to grow show care and concern for living things and the environment, eg how to treat the farm animals when they come to visit school- pat them gently show an interest in the lives of people who are familiar to them, to talk about significant events in their own experience and special times or events for family or friends, eg birthdays and how they can be celebrated know how to operate simple equipment, eg teach them to use the cd player and television remote control Expressive Arts and Design Please encourage your child to… . explore construction and building toys, eg they could use lines to enclose a space explore colour, eg through colour mixing activities . create movement in response to different types of music . explore how sounds can be changed, eg making fast, slow, loud or quiet sounds sing a few familiar songs and make up their own simple songs
***WOW books are collected on Tuesdays.*** Personal Social and Emotional Development Please encourage your child to… take turns and share independently play in a group, extending and elaborating play ideas, eg model how to lead play, such as ‘you can be the mum and I will be the dad’ initiate conversations and carry a conversation on taking account of what others say be more outgoing towards unfamiliar people and more confident in new social situations, eg by giving lots of praise think about things they are really good at doing Physical Development Please encourage your child to… talk about how exercise effects the body, eg feeling tired, hot, thirsty and feeling their heart beating fast dress independently when possible, eg- putting on coats and doing up zips talk about why we exercise, eat healthy foods, sleep and wash our hands before eating and after the toilet to walk up stairs using alternate feet and down stairs either with alternate feet or two feet to each step hold scissors and pencils correctly and use them with control If your child does any of these activities please write it in their WOW book or take a photograph and stick it in!! ***WOW books are collected on Tuesdays.***