FRIDAY, March 4, 2011 **TURN IN YOUR STUDY GUIDE QUESTIONS IN THE BIN IF YOU HAVEN’T ALREADY** Metamorphosis Objective Test today. 35 multiple choice questions, 5 short answers. When you finish your test—you may: Read your independent novel (must be completed by the end of NEXT WEEK) Complete the extra credit assignment
FRIDAY, March 4, 2011 Metamorphosis Objective Test today. 35 multiple choice questions, 5 short answers. When you finish your test—you may: Read your independent novel Complete the extra credit Homework: Essay due next Friday.
Extra Credit Most of you expressed frustration (or at least depression) in response to the ending. Rewrite the ending of The Metamorphosis as you see fit. Note: it’s okay to be entertaining/witty—but your new ending should still be consistent with the characters (for the most part) or you won’t get credit for it.