Fundamental challenge for trade union development cooperation Basket – concept Education and training Advocacy Organising Administration Project management
TRADE UNIONS ARE VALUE BASED (=POLITICAL) Independent/autonomous =Not dependent from outside powers Financially Politically/ideologically/ thinking Plan of action Democratic/participative controlled/member driven Structures and democratic accountability Representative Affiliation and support from workers Able to represent the voice of the members
SOLIDARITY Solidarity and international cooperation Role of regional and international structures and frameworks Interaction between national, regional and international level in practice and in principles (standards – control mechanisms) Solidarity is foundation of our strength
TU PRINCIPLES & GUIDELINES ON DEVELOPMENT EFFECTIVENESS Ownership & autonomy Plan of action Need assessment Transparency and accountability (democratic structures) Inclusiveness and Equality (representativity) Coherence (interaction) Sustainability (dues, governance, solidarity, …)
CAPACITY DEVELOPMENT BEYOND TRAINING An integrated approach on CD Integrated in TU objectives and time = embedded in national action plans linking all aspects of trade union organising work into a coherent approach Cooperation programmes are only a part, a contribution to this embedded approach Sustainability comes from within
5 DIMENSIONS OF CD Policy development A TU wants to influence improvement of working and living conditions, and therefore economic and political governance etc… TU need to have their own thinking/political, social, economic, cultural, ecological alternatives Advocacy TU want their proposals to be adopted Advocacy strategies are diverse and contextual
5 DIMENSIONS OF CD Promotion and advertisement of TU views, strategies, results, … Representation and representativeness have to be ensured beyond private and sectorial interests Training Is an essential part of the process but not the whole process. Training without the other strategic elements is not sustainable. Research TU need to prepare and support policy, training, promotional activities and advocacy
THE CHALLENGES OF CD FOR DC See also principles Dialogue between partners on the TU-owned plans of action are essential and a prerequisite for sustainable CD CD should be holistic and based on the partners need Donor needs (programme administration and justification) should not be a burden on the implementation of national action plans
CHALLENGES OF CD FOR DC Coherence and interactivity should allow to approach pluralism and atomisation of the trade union landscape at national/local level in, a shared and more effective/objective manner. Donors should be aware of the implicit transfer of donor-models to their partners and make these also an element of dialogue DC and CD should not serve TU (bilateral) diplomacy but contribute strengthen the parts and the whole
CHALLENGES OF CD FOR DC Northern driven priorities or thematic and geographical concentration by back donors (or by TU themselves) are incompatible with a national action plan driven cooperation, leading to the atomisation of trade union actions in the south (gender, child labour, ….) Coherence has to give strength to the local trade union CD action and DC should enable that.
OTHER QUESTIONS: TRADE UNIONS AS SOCIAL MOVEMENT The TU: social movement in a (local) context Beyond the direct interests of (formal) workers Taking up the challenge of participative democracy as a prerequisite for effective trade union work and impact on policies Taking up the challenge of working class needs beyond the workplace (education, housing, public services, gender equality, environment,…) Cooperatives and solidarity organizations Political and CSO alliances
OTHER QUESTIONS: CD FOR SOCIAL DIALOGUE CD for social dialogue Cooperating with employers Role of/for the ILO New challenge for DC (donor priorities) Linking CD for TU and CD for Social Dialogue
THE TUDCN AND CD IN DC Proposal for year 1 (October/November) International Seminar of CD Share practices of CD in DC Discuss long term CD strategy based on Sustainability of its impact in political terms (strong and effective unions) Sustainability in terms of trade union organising Taking advantage of the new ITUC momentum Take the DW in DC debate to the national level and make it part of the national development agendas
THE TUDCN AND CD IN DC Year 2 Regional seminars on contribution of DC for more effective and sustainable CD in the region (at national/sector level) Create conditions for CD on CD in the regions to enable CD at national and local level as a contribution to more effective impact of TUDC
THE TUDCN AND CD IN DC The longer term Link to be established with regional DC networks and also with DC coordination in the region (donor harmonisation and alignment).