Friday 8th March Friday after Ash Wednesday
Lent isn’t just about remembering Christ’s suffering – it’s a time in which believers try to be the best Christian they can possibly be. In the early Lent traditions, Almsgiving (the giving of charity to the poor and needy) was another important aspect of the fast. So the principle of doing Lent generously has been around for hundreds of years. “If one part suffers, all the parts suffer with it; if one part is honoured, all the parts share its joy” (1 Cor 12:26) Almsgiving
International Women’s Day and CAFOD CAFOD (a Catholic charity) says that we should honour International Women’s Day in the spirit of Lent. “Is not this the sort of fast that pleases me... to let the oppressed go free, and break every yoke, to share your bread with the hungry, and shelter the homeless poor.” Isaiah 58:1-9 Here we are given a clear instruction about the type of fasting that we should practise. We are not to mope about, nor deny ourselves purely to feel virtuous. Rather, our fasting is active, something that leads us to make changes in our world. It is part of our joyful commitment as Catholics. Something that compels us to reach out in love to our sisters and brothers, especially those who are poor and excluded. On International Women’s Day, may our fast be the sort that pleases God. Let us stand up for underprivileged women across the world who need our support. International Women’s Day and CAFOD “We are Catholic sisters who make a lifelong commitment, for we see our mission as the whole of our lives given in service.” FCJ Sisters
Let us pray Creator of all Life, renew me: bring me to new life in you. Make me feel whole again. Help me to see your love in the death and resurrection of your son. Help me to observe Lent in a way that allows me to celebrate that love. Prepare me for these weeks of Lent as I feel both deep sorrow for my sins and your undying love for me. God of all, let my fast be pleasing to you. Inspire me to share what I have with others so no one goes hungry or homeless. Amen