Bellwork: September 12, 2016 Take an article from the back counter. Put your 1st and last name on the top. Cool Read the article: “'Wonder' What It's Like To Have Kids Stare At You?”
Vocabulary- Word #7 Word: theme Part of Speech: noun Definition: A unified idea. What It Is: Explain in your own words what theme is to you. What It Is Not: Explain in your own words what theme is not. Picture Representation: Draw a picture that represents theme.
Point of View Glue the Point of View reference sheet into your composition book.
Wonder Read pages 27-50
Make a connection between you and one of the characters in the story, Wonder. This should be written on an index card with your 1st and last name and turned in to your class period drawer on your way out. Exit Ticket:
Bellwork: September 13, 2016 Log into the computer. Open Google Chrome. Click on the house at the top. Under "Student Resources", click on Edmodo. Find my class on the left hand side. Have out your article and your ELA composition book. Annotate the AOW (article of the week) using the Annotation handout in your ELA comp book. If you do not finish for bellwork, finish for homework!
Need To Know!!! Week 5 A quick review of metaphor: Skills covered: summarize, context clues, inference, figurative language Now we will complete our N2K. You have 5-10 minutes.
Edmodo Find the assignment I have entered in Edmodo titled "Wonder Questions". Click on the assignment. Go back to Edmodo by clicking the Edmodo Tab. Click Turn in. Click on the on the right. Open a Word document. Title it: Last Name-Wonder Questions
Exit Ticket Find the Note that I have on Edmodo. Reply to the note: Make a prediction as to whether Auggie will fit into a friend group.
Bellwork: September 14, 2016 Have out the annotated article and your composition book opened to the Question Stems for Socratic Seminar page. Create at 2 questions for the article using the stems. Make sure they relate to the article. Answer the questions.
Vocabulary- Word #8 Word: analyze Part of Speech: verb Definition: to break into parts What It Is: Explain in your own words what analyze is to you. What It Is Not: Explain in your own words what analyze is not. Picture Representation: Draw a picture that represents analyze.
Wonder Read pages 51-67
Character Activity Complete a Character Sketch about Auggie. You will complete this on a sheet of paper. Use the example to the right to guide you. This is due Friday!
Choose a word wall word and use it correctly in a sentence. Exit Ticket:
Bellwork: September 15, 2016 Create a Z Chart for the AOW on the back of your annotated AOW. This is due tomorrow, but if you finish, turn it in today.
Vocabulary- Word #9 Word: central idea Part of Speech: noun Definition: the most important point an author makes (a sentence) What It Is: Explain in your own words what central idea is to you. What It Is Not: Explain in your own words what central idea is not. Picture Representation: Draw a picture that represents central idea.
Vocabulary- Word #10 Word: resolution Part of Speech: verb Definition: how the problem or conflict ends What It Is: Explain in your own words what resolution is to you. What It Is Not: Explain in your own words what resolution is not. Picture Representation: Draw a picture that represents resolution.
Wonder Read if time.
Bellwork: September 16, 2016 Turn in your AOW and Reading Log. Turn in a pink slip if you do not have them. Have a Wonder book on your desk. Have out your Character Sketch.
Wonder Read pages 68-80
Kahoot With you device, or on a computer, go to Kahoot! Enter the class code. Use you real name. Be ready for the word wall practice quiz! The real quiz is on Tuesday!
Exit Ticket: Choose 1 of the word wall words and use it in a new sentence.
Now: Time for our socratic seminar! Arrange your desks into two circles. Look at the diagram drawn on the board. Inside circle (A Partners) have about 7 minutes of discussion time. Outside circle (B Partners) will be evaluating their partners. We will swap and repeat! Partner up with your assigned partners. Discuss your questions you completed yesterday. (You will have about 3 minutes)