Ancient Greece 1750 B.C.E – 133 B.C.E.
Minoans Look @ map on pg. 119 Location = Leader = Time = Highlights: People were traders (not conquerors) Women Gov’t Vanished suddenly in 1400 B.C.E. Reasons:
Mycenaeans Location: Time: Highlights: Gov’t Separate city-states
The Trojan War Go on-line & research the following questions about the Trojan War. Place the answers to this in your notes. We will discuss in a few minutes. When did it occur? Who was the war between? What are the 2 possible reasons why it started? How long did the war last? Who finally won? How did the victors supposedly win the war?
Homer (750 B.C.E.) Iliad Odyssey Significance of both stories? Main character – What movie does this remind you of? Odyssey Significance of both stories?